JV Baseball Shelbyville Stats and Stew Stras Pics

The JV Eagles lost in eight innings with a score of 1-0 against Stew Stras.
]JV game against Shelbyville.
Newton       0  0  2  0  0  5 0 = 7
Shelbyville  0  0  0  0  2  0 0 = 2
For Newton:
Payton Harris: 1 for 4 – single, 2 – RBI’s
Max Meinhart: 3 for 4 – double 2 singles; 3 RBI’s
Grant Ochs: 0 for 4
Dylan Gier: 1 for 2 single
Brady Clark: 1 for 3 – single
Logan Ochs – 1 for 4 – single; 2 RBI’s
Kaleb Uebinger: 0 for 2; HP
Evan Baltzell 0 for 2  – 1 BB
Xavier Andrews: 1 for 1 – single
Drew Tate – 0 for 1
Evan Johnson: 1 for 1 – single
9 hits; 2 walks 1 hit by pitch
Dylan Gier 2 innings 0 – k’s; 5 BB’s; o hits; 0 earned runs
Max Meinhart 5 innings 6 – k’s; 2 BB’s; 2 hits; 1 earned run