Kaleb Wright Sworn in At City Council Meeting


108 N. Van Buren St
Newton, IL 62448
January 17, 2023

On January 17, 2023 at 5:45 PM there will be a Public Hearing for a Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) project to replace a 4-inch and 6-inch watermain along Washington and
Morgan Streets.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
Mayor Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman RJ Lindemann.
3. ROLL CALL: Rosetta M. York, City Clerk
Physically present: Gayle Glumac, RJ Lindemann and Marlene Harris
Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks, and Clerk Rosetta M. York
Absent: Larry Brooks and Eric Blake
4. ADOPT OR AMEND AGENDA: Add RJ Lindemann to #2, add Dale Mahaney and Brenda Phillips
to #7 and correct the date in #5
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to adopt the amended agenda.
Ayes: Glumac, Lindemann, Harris, Mayor Kuhl
Nays: None
5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of January 3, 2023:
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Harris, to approve the minutes of the
January 3, 2023 meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Lindemann, Harris, Mayor Kuhl, Glumac
Nays: None
Alderman Lindemann reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $142,354.12 and the bills
and accounts payable earlier today and made a motion to approve the pre-paids and
authorize payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of $78,197.60. Harris
seconded the motion.
Ayes: Harris, Mayor Kuhl, Glumac, Lindemann
Nays: None
Dale Mahaney:
The mayor addressed Dale and asked him questions. The following are the summary of the
mayor’s points:
a. The permit you, Dale Mahaney, have is expired.
b. The council had decided when that permit was issued, you were going to work with an
engineer or a building structural professional to oversee the project who would present to
the code enforcement personnel and the Council a plan to bring your building up to code.
The Council and code enforcement officials need a clear picture of the plan, with the cost,
to bring that building to the State and city codes.
c. Mr. Mahaney needs to apply for new permit with the plans.
Brenda Phillips: Presented to the Council her annual disconnect and charity report in billing and
a. Consider and act on appointing Kaleb
Wright as Ward two Alderman.
Motion was made by Lindemann,
seconded by Harris, authorize the
appointment of Kaleb Wright as Ward
two Alderman beginning January 17,
Ayes: Mayor Kuhl, Glumac,
Lindemann, Harris
Nays: None
b. Consider and act on Ordinance 23-01
Annexation of 1407 W. Jourdan St.
Motion was made by Lindemann,
seconded by Glumac, to pass
Ordinance 23-01 Annexation of 1407
W. Jourdan St.
Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Harris
Nays: None

c. Open the City of Newton mowing bids for 2023, 24 and 25, a 3-year contract.
The quotes are based on one mowing of 7 areas for the City of Newton. The 7 areas are
South Industrial Park, Dufrain Park and triangle on Liberty, Riverside Cemetery, Lot at 3rd Ave.
and Marion St., NPD Shooting Range and Parking lot east of Cobblestone Hotel.
Weston’s Lawn Service—– $1,685.00
Backwoods Lawn Service– $1,585.00
Dylan Barthelme————– $3,925.00
d. Consider and act on awarding the City of Newton mowing contract for 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, authorize the City of Newton
mowing contract to Backwoods Lawn Service for 2023, 2024 and 2025 at $1,585 per
each mowing of all seven lots.
Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
a. Consider and act on Dumpster Reimbursement application for 205 N. 3rd St.
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Harris, authorize the Dumpster
Reimbursement application for 205 N. 3rd St. to Chelsea Glosser for $404.65.
Ayes: Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Wright
Nays: None
b. Consider and act on an agreement with SCIRPDC to write an Energy Transition Community
Grant via DCEO’S FY-2023 funding.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, authorize the agreement with
SCIRPDC to write an Energy Transition Community Grant via DCEO’S FY-2023 funding.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Wright, Lindemann
Nays: None
c. Consider and act on two City employees attending Pesticide Safety Education Program
January 31 and February 1 for $70 per person plus allowable expenses.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, authorize two City employees
attending Pesticide Safety Education Program January 31 and February 1 for $70 per
person plus allowable expenses.
Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Harris
Nays: None
Glumac: No Comment
Wright: No Comment
Lindemann: Thank you to David Brown. Welcome to Kaleb Wright. Explained to the council that
he has reviewed and approved the billing adjustment report.
Harris: Welcome to Kaleb Wright.
City Attorney: No comment
City Treasurer: Welcome to Kaleb Wright.
City Clerk: Electric Department PO # 00011-30
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Wright, to authorize Electric Department
purchase order # 00011-30 for $59,005.00 for two 25 KVA pad mount transformers, one 100
KVA pad mount transformer, two 300 KVA pad mount transformers, three 75 KVA pole
mount transformers and three pole mount 100 KVA transformers.
Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Harris, Glumac
Nays: None
Mayor: Welcome to Kaleb Wright.
12. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: February 7, 2023 at 6:00 PM
SCHEDULED COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Public Hearing on Feb 7, 2023 at 5:45 PM for the
vacation of an alley.
13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Personnel and potential litigation
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to go out of open session and into closed
session to discuss personnel and potential litigation to the exceptions section of the Open
Meetings Act pertaining to those areas of discussion.
Ayes: Lindemann, Harris, Glumac, Wright
Nays: None
Open session suspended at 6:31 PM

Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to go out of closed session and back into
open session.
Ayes: Harris, Glumac, Wright, Lindemann
Nays: None
Open session resumed at 6:52 PM.
Josh Kuhl announced that during closed session the council discussed personnel and potential
Motion was made by Lindemann, seconded by Glumac, to adjourn the meeting.
Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Harris
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 6:53 PM.
Submitted by Rosetta M. York


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