Lady Eagles Sweep Robinson Senior Night Set for October 3

The Newton Lady Eagles swept Robinson in all three matches on Thursday, September 28. The freshman won in two sets with scores of 25-13 and 25-22. The JV and Varsity also won in two sets each with scores of 25-13 and 25-17 and 25-17 and 25-12. This brings the varsity’s record to 15-9.

Varsity Category Leaders

Aces: Bennett-1, Schafer-1

Kills: Zumbahlen-8, Frichtl-6, Schafer-6, Martin-5, Kessler-4, Stanley-1

Assists: Mahaffey-15, Schafer-12, Bennett-2

Blocks:  Kessler-1

Digs:  Bennett-7, Martin-7, Schafer-6, Zumbahlen-4, Fricthl-3, Stanley-2, Mahaffey-2, Kessler-1

Next Match: 10/3

vs Mt Carmel

Fr 5pm

JV 6pm

Varsity 7pm