Making a Difference: Kari Nohren NCHS Athletic Trainer

*Editor Note: This article was originally going to be a chance for the community to get to know Kari Nohren, however, Kari will be leaving NCHS at the end of the year to take a full time spot at Olney Central College through Carle Sports Medicine, so the topic changed from answering get to know you questions to more of a farewell and thank you. Here’s Kari’s responses:

“NCHS was my first athletic training job out off college. I graduated from EIU in December 2013 and was hired by then, Richland Memorial Hospital, 6 months later in June 2014. I had experience in high school and JFL from my undergrad experience with Villa Grove HS for 2 semesters. I covered rugby, track, and swimming at the collegiate level on campus at EIU. By the time I was ready to graduate I knew I was ready to work in the high school setting.

Jasper County was intimidating at first. Everyone was from this area and closely knit and knew each other, but also knew I was not from around here. I was eager to work by showing up early and making my athletic training room feel like a home away from home. My first couple years were all learning how to communicate while trying to develop my professionalism as an athletic trainer on my own. I was lucky enough to be given a chance. I was given grace and time to earn respect and trust from athletes, parents, administration, and the coaching staff in Jasper County.

My favorite memories are doing dance workouts with Volleyball and Softball. Being apart of football everyday practices even though Nickelback is played 4 songs in a row. I will never forget that 3rd place in state medal AND poster in the gym for Volleyball! Having a hand in conditioning drills and practices for most teams.

The good memories that you may not know, is being apart of every senior night with an occasional shout out or carnation for me. Getting thank you notes from athletes and parents that made me feel like I was a necessity to their success and time in their sport. A soda or a free DQ cone on free cone day because the athletes knew I wouldn’t be able to get one because I had to be at practice or games. The billions of free shirts and gear that I wear proudly to be apart of their team. The coaches pre practice, post practice, pregame, halftime, timeout, post game, post season speeches will be greatly missed. The most inspiring and touching moments are made everyday by coaches when they are ready to begin what they love the most.

My favorite part about being your athletic trainer was being the one for answers. Whether it was in my educational bulletin boards or finding out what was wrong with you, I always put everything I had out for your questions and concerns. There were times I didn’t have all the answers, but you always listened. I’m an educator at heart. I took any chance I had to motivate and enlighten young athletes. One of my favorite parts of being your athletic trainer was getting to educate and show you on how much an athletic trainer can help you. We are more than just taping ankles and handing out ice, and I truly feel valued at NCHS for all my traits and qualities.

As the news started to come out on my departure, I felt relieved of all the best wishes, but still bummed to see me go comments. I have nothing but gratitude and  appreciation for this community, which is why we chose to build a house and raise our 2 girls here.

Thank you to all the parents and community members that show up behind the scenes of every game to support these athletes and coaches. We really take over the stands when we travel! I have had nothing but support and love from parents and fans.

Thank you Jasper County School District and sports programs for role models to look up to and an outstanding place for kids to learn how to become great. I want to thank Beth Probst for ALWAYS going above and beyond! In her busy world, she managed to see if I needed anything while making sure entire events were running smoothly. She has truly showed me that career and family life can coexist, and that everything matters even the little things.

Thank you Coaches! No schooling in the athletic training program prepared me enough for the conversations that had to be had on and off the field. You helped me grow into the athletic trainer I am today. You taught me to be strong and confident, show compassion, and find a way to meet in the middle.

Thank you Athletes. Thank you for being patient with me in your crazy world. Seeing you grow from some 5th grader to senior has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I show up everyday for you and most of the time, you show up for me. You make me want to be there the next step in the time you need care the most. I will miss your curiosity for all things in life and the hunger you have for your sport the most.

My seeds are planted in Jasper County. My roots have grown deep in just the 6 short years I have been here. This is the place I want to send my kids to school and hopefully one day play sports. I will still be around among the crowd to cheer for my Eagles.”

**Editors Note: Thank you Kari for treating all of our student athletes like they are your own kids. You have made a difference in so many lives during your time here at NCHS and that difference lasts far beyond high school. You have helped shape the lives of our future, been a role model and inspiration each day for not only those you treated, but all of the students and for that I know I along with so many others are forever grateful for your service and dedication to our community and school. Best of luck in your upcoming endeavors.