Musical Monday: Jacelyn Street

Each Monday between now and the opening of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on March 26th we will be featuring Musical Monday. This week we will continue highlighting our NCHS Seniors who are casted in the 2020 NCHS Musical with Senior Jacelyn Street.

In Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Jacelyn will portray one of the narrators. Jacelyn is the daughter of Shad and Marcia Street.

The following are Jacelyn’s answers to the questionnaire we provided.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

The other musicals that I have been in are the Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, The Music Man as Amaryllis, Mary Poppins, a mersister in Under the Sea, Bun Foo in Thoroughly Modern Millie, and Cinderella. 

What was your favorite musical and why?

My favorite musical was Thoroughly Modern Millie. I really enjoyed this one because of my part as Bun Foo. It was very interesting to be able to learn songs and lines that were Cantonese and Mandrin. Surprising the audience with this hard work made it the most memorable production so far. 

What scene in Joseph is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in)

My favorite song is “Close Every Door” and it is performed by Joseph. I really enjoy listening to Ben sing it because it is a powerful song. Although musical is still 2 months away, the song is already filled with a lot of emotion and I cannot wait to watch it progress.

What are three things being in the musical have taught you? and how have you learned these?

Three things that being in musical has taught me is to be confident, be patient, and that acting is very hard. When you walk onto the stage, you are a different person and have to change your tone, your face, and your character to be someone else. This is impossible if you are not confident with yourself and have patience. I have learned this through years of being critiqued and repeating scenes until the directors saw something that they liked. 

What are two pieces of advice you would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?

Two pieces of advice I would give to future performers is to have fun and smile. Musical is a lot of hard work and sometimes “one more run through” will turn into twenty. But when the music starts and the stage lights up on opening night, you will feel the magic and everything will be worth it. 

What qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?

The adults who help put on this show are dedicated and selfless. They give up so much of their lives to make this production possible for both the audience and the performers. Our directors are always motivated and push us to our full potential. 

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

I will miss dancing and singing alongside my friends and classmates. I will also miss the thrill and adrenaline rush that I get when I am performing. 

Opening Night for the NCHS musical will be March 26th at 7pm. Performances will also be held on March 27th at 7pm, March 28th at 7pm and March 29th at 2 pm.

Previously we highlighted

Bri Duncan

Dustin Kuhl

Lexi Marshall

Emily Dion