NCHS Beauty and the Beast: Senior Cast Member Bailey Traxler

Bailey Traxler, daughter of Elizabeth Liston-Reyes, will perform the roll of the Bookseller in the NCHS musical production of Beauty and the Beast on April 7th through 10th.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

I was Dan’s wife in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and was a dancer in White Christmas.

What was your favorite musical and why?

White Christmas was by far my favorite because every practice felt like spending time with a group of friends because we were all so close to each other.

What scene in Beauty and the Beast is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in)

My favorite has to be the Tavern scene where the song Gaston happens. This is my favorite because Gaston is one of my favorite songs in the musical and it is a super fun dance to be in.

What are two life lessons you have learned from the directors? 

I have learned many things from our directors and this includes putting on a smile and acting confident when you make a mistake because if you’re going to mess up do it confidently. Through their common phrase “Everything is an Audition” I have learned that every action has its consequences and people’s impressions of you matter.

Excluding the directors: what qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities? – Feel free to name the adults or group of adults) 

      Dawn our accompanist, our customers, and our set builders put in so much dedication for us and our show. They put in countless hours of hard work and this shows me that hard work has great outcomes despite mistakes.

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

I will miss getting on the stage performing for the community and being able to see their smiling faces from the stage. But most of all I will miss all the practices with people who mean the most to me. I will always remember the countless jokes and interpretive dancing we did backstage while we were supposed to be doing other things. It’s upsetting to think I’ll be watching the show from the audience instead of the wings next year but I am excited to see what everyone will accomplish because it is always amazing.