NCHS Beauty and the Beast: Senior Cast Member Jessilyn Hall

Jessilyn Hall, daughter of Travis and Jessica Hall, will perform the roll of the Wardrobe in the NCHS musical production of Beauty and the Beast on April 7th through 10th.

What musicals have you been in and what character/roles did you play?

Throughout my musical career I took part in Mary Poppins, Cinderella (Dancer), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Asher’s Wife), White Christmas (Tessie) and Beauty and the Beast as Wardrobe. 

What was your favorite musical and why? 

My favorite musical thus far has been White Christmas. I love how close knit the cast was. I also loved the feeling of performing a winter musical. It got me and the rest of the community ready for the holidays!! 

What scene in Beauty and the beast is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in) 

My favorite scene in Beauty and the Beast is the closer. When the whole cast comes together for one final song a feeling of joy and accomplishment runs through your body. I am excited for the audience to get to see everyone revealed as human again. We always strive to have big endings and as the show comes to a close there is no better way to finish. 

What are two life lessons you have learned from your directors? 

The directors have taught me to always perform at my best and to practice how you are going to perform. 

Excluding the directors, what qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?

Everybody that helps volunteers their own time and dedicates so much to the show. Many of the volunteers don’t have children in the show but they simply love what they do. Without them this wouldn’t be possible. They are very kind and patient with us but most importantly they take time outside of musical practice to help us. The hours and hours of work that these projects take are only completed because of them! 

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

Although I will miss the pre show jitters and the feeling you get when the curtain opens for the first time, the thing I will miss the most is the friendships I have made along the way. Throughout the last four years I have had friends come and go but the memories we made will last a lifetime. Our backstage conversations, “Pow Wows” in the hallway and nicknames for each other always reminds me why I am a part of this big musical family.