NCHS: Mamma Mia: Senior Cast Member Wyatt Black

Wyatt Black, son of Lyssa Michl and Daniel Black, will portray Sam Carmichael in the NCHS Musical production of Mamma Mia on March 30 through April 2.

What Musicals have I been in?: I have been in 3 musicals during my time at NCHS. In my first musical, White Christmas, I played Sheldrake. My second musical, Beauty and the Beast, I played Gaston. And in my final musical, Mama Mia, I played Sam Carmichael.

What was my favorite musical?: My favorite musical was Beauty and the Beast by far. I believe the reason for this is I was able to be myself a lot more with the character. It may sound terrible but I absolutely loved playing the villain.

What scene is my favorite in Mama Mia?: My favorite scene in Mama Mia has to be the S.O.S. scene. Not only is this my favorite scene because I sing in it, but also it is my favorite scene because this is the scene where Donna and Sam reflect on what once was. It reminds me very well of a right person at the wrong time and is a real turning point for the whole show.

What are three things being in the Musical has taught me? How have I learned these?: Musical has taught me confidence, open-mindedness, and most importantly that everyone belongs somewhere. When I first started musical I did not think that I could ever be as good as some of the other people in the cast that had bigger roles in the show. However after White Christmas my confidence grew and grew. I was able to say what I wanted and be who I wanted to be without the fear of anyone judging me. I learned to be very open-minded through musical as well. Whether this be from criticism from the directors or other cast members I was able to realize that I always have room for improvement. I was able to turn the criticism into motivation by trying harder every time. Everyone belongs somewhere, from the people that I met in each show I realized that this is where I fit in. I was a member of marching band all 4 years of highschool, but you do not really get the type of recognisability through band as you do in musical. I was able to express myself and have attention on me, allowing me to show people who I truly was on the inside. Everyone belongs somewhere, and musical is where I belong.

What are two pieces of advice I would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?: Do not take everything to heart and do not be afraid to be yourself. Although the directors may show very very strict criticism, do not take any of it to heart. The directors know that you have room to improve and they know what you are capable of. Do not be afraid to be yourself, if you are loud, silly, or obnoxious then be that person. Do not try to be somebody you are not to try to impress others around you. There is only one person you should be and that is you. Everyone else is already taken.

What qualities do I see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that I will take with you as I leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?: I will never forget Finley’s cocky, silly, attitude. Mr. Finley has shown me that work does not always have to be serious. You can have fun at your job and make friends doing it. When I talk to Finley it does not feel like I am talking to a teacher. Instead it feels like I am talking to someone that is the exact same age as me. I will remember this both in college and in my career, that even if things are supposed to be serious you are allowed to have fun while doing it. 

What will I miss most once the final curtain closes on my NCHS musical career?: I will definitely miss the people that I have worked with in these past 3 musicals. Whether they are older or younger than me the people that are part of these shows have shown me love like I could never imagine. I only joined the musical because Finley told me if I did I could go on the New Orleans trip. However, when I realized how it was those first few practices I absolutely fell in love with theater. I met so many people through the NCHS productions, people that I will remember for the rest of my life. Drama backstage, super long handshakes, laughs, hugs, I will forever cherish every bit of it for as long as I live. I am proud to say that through musical I have changed both physically and mentally. I am much happier now than what I was before I started musical. For that I give thanks to Jeffrey, Carrie, Kristie, my fellow cast members, and all other people that made this possible for me. You have all changed my life and I will never forget everything you have done for me. Thank you.