Newton Elementary Canned Food Donation

Newton Elementary students have been participating in a Holiday Food Drive December 3-13. Donations are going towards the Jasper County Ministerial Association’s Christmas Food Box Project. The students did an AMAZING job bringing in non perishable food items to donate. Here are some pictures from today (the final day) and the loaded donation along with the totals below (we had a contest by grade level). ?

Food Drive Update:

What an outstanding job Newton Elementary did with collecting non-perishable foods

Total collected: 4,003 items

For grade level 1st-3rd competition:

1st place: Second Grade – 528

2nd place: Third Grade – 475

3rd place: First Grade – 445

For grade level 4th-6th competition:

1st place: Fourth Grade – 1,040

2nd place: Fifth Grade – 962

3rd place: Sixth Grade – 553

Information provided by Jessica Guzman