Newton Elementary Veterans Day Program

Newton Elementary School held a Veterans Day Program in their gymnasium on November 10th. The program began with the “Parade of Flags” from the first and second grade classes while “This Land is Your Land” being played by Garrett Bower, 5th Grade, and “America the Beautiful” by Avery Ochs, 6th grade.

The Presentation of the Colors was completed by the American Legion Members. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Piper Ghast, 6th grade and signed by Emma Glidewell, 5th grade.

The Newton Elementary Chorus members performed the Star Spangled Banner. Aria Collins, 5th grade gave a warm welcome to all in attendance. Shen Guzman and Lilly Cobble from 5th grade orally presented thank you letters to the veterans. “God Bless America” was performed by the NES chorus. Additional thank you letters were read by Nicole Kuhl and Chance Tracy both sixth graders. The third grade class sang “You’re a Grand Old Flag” with Natalie Briscoe, 6th grade, read the meaning of Veteran’s Day. The fourth grade class sang “The Flag Goes By”. Cora Warfel, 6th grader, honored and recognized the veterans. Taps was played by NCHS Junior Ella Radke and Braidyn Sparkling, 6th grader, closed the ceremony.