Newton High School to again Host Masonic Scholastic Bowl

On February 15 th , 2020 Newton High School will host the Sectional Tournament for this area for the Masonic Scholastic Bowl. The event will begin at 8:30 A.M.
High Schools entering the Masonic Scholastic Bowl pay no entry fee. The tournament is financially supported by the Masons of Illinois. Schools competing from the area besides Newton, are Charleston, Effingham, Flora, St Anthony, Lawrenceville, Marshall, Robinson, and Teotopolis.. The winning team will go to the state finals in Bloomington on March 7 th . Winning Schools are presented cash awards. The Masons of Illinois ask only
that the scholastic awards money be used by the schools for scholarships or academic purposes within the school system.
Charlie Schackmann is the chairman of the event for Newton Lodge 216, and Doug Finkbiner is the Tournament Manager and Team Coach. Newton Lodge 216 will provide lunch for the competing teams and will have a well stocked hospitality room for coaches, parents, event workers and bus drivers.
The public is cordially invited and encouraged to attend and watch these teams from the area compete. The goal  is to provide positive recognition for academic excellence.