Newton Press Sold By Gatehouse (Gannett) to Paxton Media Group

Please note: This information is collected from more than one source, none of which was a press release. The core details of the article are correct to the best of our knowledge, however, if we find out some items are incorrect we will gladly correct them and do our best to let our community know of the error. Thank you!

The Newton Press Mentor, along with the Olney Daily Mail, Advocate Press of Flora, Teutopolis Press (Dieterich Special Gazette), and The Carmi Times have all been sold by Gatehouse Media (Gannett) to the company, Paxton Media Group.

The Paxton Media Group has well over 120 years of media history and is a privately held media company with a Paxton at the helm as CEO.

With this change in ownership it has been stated that some of the newspapers will not make the cut into the new company. Their correspondent stated at the City Council meeting today that the Jasper County News Eagle and the Teutopolis Press – Dieterich Special Gazette will no longer be printed.

Instead, the T-town and Dieterich news will be a part of the Newton Press Mentor’s news.

The former Press Mentor building in Newton has been emptied as well as other locations with the aforementioned newspapers.

As a former Newton Press Mentor employee, I personally ask each of you to show some grace and understanding as they adapt to their new company. There is still a need in our county for a printed newspaper and someone I consider a dear friend still works there.

Best of luck to them as they navigate yet another sale of their papers and may this be the change that is needed to revive the spirit of the Newton Press Mentor.