October Minutes of Jasper County School Board

Following is a summary of minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Education of Jasper County
Community Unit School District No. 1 held in the office of the Board of Education by virtual zoom/or in
person due to COVID 19, on Monday, October 19, 2020. Board members present were Mr. Gordon
Millsap, Mr. Jon Fulton, Mrs. Holly Farley, Mrs. Mindy Street, Mr. Bill Meinhart and Mr. Jason Kuhl.
Members absent: Mrs. Mandy Rieman.
All votes are considered unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Gordon Millsap called the meeting to order.
Gordon provided instructions on how to comment or provide questions for the upcoming Item #IV
Public Hearing Concerning the Proposed 2020-2021 District Budget and #V Recognition of Guests and
Public Comments, guests may submit questions or statements to be read aloud during this time by
utilizing the chat button on the zoom meeting.
Agenda was adopted.
Under the Superintendent’s report
Mr. Johnson informed the board with a COVID19 update, numbers are shooting up, there are more kids
quarantined than last week. We are going to keep doing what is best for the students and employees.
Mrs. Probst reported on the school report card. Atlantic Research has been in the district working with
our teachers.
Emily Flach and Stephanie Klingler co-presidents of the JCEA along with several sport coaches and
extracurricular coaches were present to inform the board of what they have been doing with the
students and how important these activities are to all involved.
Gordon asked for guests and public comments. There were none.
Approval of the consent agenda:
Regular and closed session minutes from September 21, 2020 and Regular and closed session minutes
for October 5, 2020 Special Meeting,
Bills and Payroll,
Presentment of monthly financial reports,
Destruction of closed session recording for August 16, 2018,
Melissa Griffith – Olmstead as a CEO Mentor,
$200 donation in memory of Jerry Collins to the NCHS Softball Team, $165 to JCJH Baseball activity
account for Regional Championship Shirts, $157.50 to JCJH Cross Country activity account for Sectional

Championship Shirts and $1,740 for 3 new football helmets to fit larger kids to ensure safety all from
the Athletic Boosters,
Approval of 3 Circles Ag Grant for John Lidy, Brock Tarr and Travis Tarr and
Approval of agreement with the Newton FFA Alumni Association.
One FOIA request from Robert Degre.
Krista McClaren from Kempers Group in Olney presented the FY20’ Audit. The District scored 3.9%
compared to 3.55% last year. All funds are in great shape and we were presented a clean audit.
Stephen Adams from PMA Financial discussed bonds and a timeline.
Ryan Savage with Holland Construction and John Bishop with Farnsworth were present to answer any
questions regarding the building project.
Approval for Instructional/Teaching agreement between the Jasper County Health Department and
Jasper Co. CUSD #1 (CNA).
Approval to purchase property located at 502 Barton Street, Newton to serve as additional parking at
Newton Elementary.
Approval to purchase property located at 1401 Clayton Avenue, Newton. Ayes: Meinhart, Street, Kuhl,
Fulton, Millsap. Nays: None. Abstain: Farley.
Approval to accept bids for mower and buses.
Appoint Mandy Rieman to represent the board virtually at the joint annual conference in November.
Approval to hire Megan Marks as a JCJH assistant volleyball coach to start with the 2020-2021 season.
Approval to hire Betty Harris as a night custodian at Newton Community High School starting
The board went into executive session at 7:40pm for 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c ) ( 1 ) – To consider information
Regarding Appointment, Employment or Dismissal of Individual Employees, 5ILCS 120/2 ( c ) (9) –
Student Disciplinary Case(s) and 5 ILCS 120/2 ( C ) ( 10 ) To Discuss Matter Relating to Individual
Approval to return to open session at 8:52pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:54pm.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 16, 2020 at 6:30pm at the Board Office.