Out of Office August 21 – 25th

Due to our daughter (Katie’s) graduation on August 23 in Oklahoma, we will be gone from August 21-25 to celebrate this once in a lifetime event.

We will have news to update each day, and will continue to do our best to cover local happenings, however, there may be more feature stories to help supplement throughout these days.

I understand Media Night is August 23rd, and Melissa Stanley has graciously agreed to cover this for me on that night. I do apologize though as pictures will not be posted on the site until after we return. Alex Osborne will be covering the band portion of this evening as well!

If you are at an event and would like to assist us in keeping everyone up to date on local happenings, we would very much appreciate any submitted pictures and information about the picture! This is one of those times where I hope the fact that we dream of this being a community paper shines though.

If you have an item you would so generously want to submit, you may contact us through the submission form on this site, via Facebook messenger, or at jcdailynews@gmail.com or even a text message to my phone at 618-783-9405.

Thank you so very much in advance for your understanding, and we will do our best to keep you up to date. If you need to drop an item off at our home, I will have people here on and off throughout the day and during the evening.

Due to weather related issues, we have moved our information and dropbox center to the porch (for the moment), however, it will still be available for dropping off information. Please be aware it will not be checked though until I return.