P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund Information

Need $$$ for your education? Qualified women can now borrow up to:  $12,000 for associate and bachelor degree programs, technical or professional training and post-graduate certifications, $15,000 for master’s degree programs and $20,000 for doctoral degree programs at 2% interest from the P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund. For complete information and to find out if you qualify, visit peointernational.org and click on ELF Eligibility Requirements.  Qualified women please contact:  Faye Clapp, 783-8365 or email:fclapp@gmail.com
It is heartwarming to know how P.E.O. makes a difference in the education of women in our local community! The most recent women to receive assistance from the ELF scholarship or PCE grant are: Natasha Russell, with an Elementary Education degree, Jacy Ghast graduated with a Doctoral Nursing degree, McKendra Barthleme Wright, a BS in nursing and Jordyn Huston is presently being sponsored for a doctoral of medicine degree. She begins clinicals this month in Olney.