School Board Meeting for November

The Jasper Unit 1 Board showed their support for Vandalia by wearing read and black.


Following is a summary of minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Education of Jasper County Community Unit School District No. 1 held in the Board of Education offices, Monday, November 18, 2019. Board members present were Mr. Gordon Millsap, Mrs. Mandy Rieman, Mr. Jason Kuhl, Mr. Bill Meinhart and Mrs. Mindy Street. Members absent: Mr. Jon Fulton and Mrs. Holly Farley.
All votes are considered unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Gordon Millsap called the meeting to order.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
Under the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Johnson informed the board of the next building committee meeting on December 4 at 6:30pm at the Multi – Purpose Room at Newton Elementary.
Mrs. Probst gave an informative report regarding an update on the Illinois Report Card. You can go to to see information such as IAR/SAT scores, Student Attendance, Mobility and much more. NCHS and Newton Elementary are Commendable Schools with JCJH moving up from Lowest Performing School to Under Performing School. The four designations are Lowest Performing, Under performing, Commendable and Exemplary.
Mr. Johnson presented a monthly food service report from Cheryl Woods/OPAA!’s Director of
Nutritional Services. 5,238 breakfasts and 17,055 lunches were served in a recent 30 day period. OPAA are getting ready to start a la carte at the high school after Thanksgiving break, this will include chips, beef jerky, rice krispy treats, granola bars, Propel and juices. Students are enjoying the meals provided for them and they like all the different choices provided to them.
Upcoming dates:
November 21 – 1 hour early dismissal for Thanksgiving and Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
November 22 – No school – Parent Teacher Conferences 8-11:30
November 25-29 – No school – Thanksgiving Vacation/Band Trip to Florida
December 16 – Board Meeting 6:30pm
December 20 – 1 hour early dismissal for Christmas Break
December 23 – January 1 – No school – Christmas Break
January 2 – School Resumes
Gordon asked for recognition of guests and public comments, there were none.
The consent agenda was approved as follows:
Regular and Closed Session Minutes for October 18, 2019 and Regular and Closed Session Minutes for
special meeting on November 7, 2019

The Bills and Payroll
Presentment of Monthly Financial Reports
Destruction of Closed Session Recording for November 14, 2017
Cork and Pork – $200 R.E.A.D. Program – $300 – Language Arts
Peoples State Bank and Eagle Country Water – 60 cases of water for the junior high concessions Cork and Pork – $250 to the Newton Elementary Strong Girls Program Cork and Pork – $250 to the Newton Elementary B.O.Y.S. Program Anonymous Donor – Canon Camera for the NCHS Yearbook Staff Athletic Boosters – $148 for field rakes for the ballpark Athletic Boosters – $375 for new tarps for the ballpark Athletic Boosters – $500 towards helping sponsor an official’s room 30 keyboarding books as surplus
Presentation and Approval of the Tentative Tax Levy with final action in December.
Mrs. Guzman reported on the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support District Plan formerly RTi). The District has Tier I, Tier II and Tier III. Aimsweb Plus is used for progress monitoring for grades Kdg and 1st grade and Star 360 is used for Grades 2 and above. Decisions are data driven and progress monitoring will inform the instruction and procedures for implementation.
Approval of a mowing contract with Griffith’s Lawn Care. Ayes: Mandy Rieman, Gordon Millsap, Bill Meinhart, Mindy Street. Nays: None. Abstain: Jason Kuhl. Motion carried: 4-1.
Approval of school improvement plan.
Approval of the retirement of JCJH/NCHS cook Janet Hall effective January 2, 2020. Janet has been an employee beginning in 1995 at West Junior High, Grove Elementary and NCHS. Thank you for your many years of dedicated service, you will be missed.
Approval to hire Kristin Dallmier as a JCJH/NCHS school nurse beginning December 2, 2019.
Approval to advertise for a Night Custodian at Newton Elementary.
The board went into executive session at 7:11pm for 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c ) ( 1 ) – To consider information
Regarding Appointment, Employment or Dismissal of Individual Employees and 5ILCS 120/2 ( c ) ( 10) – To Discuss Matter Relating to Individual Students.
Approval to return to open session at 7:49pm. Approval to dismiss Derek Stanciu Night Custodian at Newton Elementary.
Meeting adjourned at 7:49pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Board Office.