St. Thomas School Information/Pre-Registration Meeting


St. Thomas School in Newton will be holding a kindergarten and new student informational pre- registration night on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024. The evening will begin with a parent meeting at 5:30 in the school cafeteria. Information will be provided about not only our kindergarten program, but also the school and general information as well. Prospective kindergarten students are welcomed, as the teachers will take them to the classroom to explore and play. The teachers and Mrs. Bierman, the principal, will answer any questions you may have. A tour of the building will conclude the night. There is a pre-registration form on the school website, that can be filled out and brought that evening, or you can contact the school for a copy. Forms will also be available that evening.

Whether your intention is to send your child(ren) to St. Thomas or you are just curious and have questions, please feel free to attend this informational meeting. No commitment is expected. This is for all families interested in the school. Please be aware that class size has reached its maximum at some of our grade levels.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Bierman at 618-783-3517 or by email at