Ste. Marie Elementary Santa Letters

Mrs. Weidner’s Kindergarten Class Santa Letters:

Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Madison. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a Furby and a Fingerling Monkey. I like your reindeer. 

                    Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Oliver. I am 5 years old. I live in Ingraham. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a dinosaur that shoots arrows and a phone. How heavy is your sleigh?

                Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Lillian. I am 5 years old. I live in Wheeler. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a LOL Headband and a LOL Wig. Can I pet your reindeer?

               Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Linkin. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a toy tablet shooter gun and a big car. Where do you live?

             Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Daenerys. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a mermaid best friend and a ballerina jewelry box. What do your elves look like?

              Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Whitley. I am 5 years old. I live in Wheeler. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a tablet and Monster High Dolls. 

                 Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Kamry. I am 6 years old. I live in Hidalgo. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a nail set and an Ipad. How do the  reindeer fly?

               Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Baliegh. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a snowglobe and a crown. 

              Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Jaxton. I am 6 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a race car and a bouncy ball. 

         Thank you and Merry Christmas1


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Adrianne. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a baby doll and a Barbie Doll. 

          Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Chip. I am 6 years old. I live in Wheeler. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me an Allosaurus Dinosaur and a Daminus Dinosaur. I like Rudolph’s red nose. 

               Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Vaida. I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a tablet and Maracas. 

               Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Braxton. I am 6 years old. I live in Wheeler. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me  a Nerf Gun and a dirt bike. What are your reindeer’s names?

            Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Kane. I am 6 years old. I live in Hidalgo. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a toy mini gun and a toilet paper gun.

                 Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Liam. I am 6 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a tablet and an orange bike  with a kickstand. How bright is Rudolph’s nose?

              Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Corbin. I am 7 years old. I live in Newton. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me money and a toy gun. 

           Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus,

     My name is Noah. I am 5 years old. I live in Willow Hill. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a Playstation 5 and a truck. Do you have a Christmas Tree?

                   Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Dear Santa Claus, 

     My name is Jacklyn. I am 6 years old. I live in Jewett. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a snowglobe and a crown. 

                 Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Santa Letters 2023 – Mrs. Murray’s SME Kindergarten 

Dear Santa,

My name is Jarrett and I am 5 years old.  I live in the country.  This year I have been good all the time and helped my mom get the groceries.  I also watch tv and laugh.  I want a Halo helmet, costume, gloves, boots, and energy sword.

Your friend,


Dear Santa, 

I am five years old and my name is Treyson.  I live in the country and help my mom clean house.  I have been very good.  I would like an autobot battle ring for Christmas.

Thank you,


Dear Santa,

I live in Sainte Marie and I am 6 years old.  I have been nice this year and I even cleaned the bathroom for my mom. For Christmas, I would like a pink dress, learning games, a stuffed animal that can talk, and a Barbie dream house.  I hope you like chocolate chip Christmas cookies!

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

My name is James and I am 5 years old.  I am good and I help my mom.  I want a scooter for Christmas this year, maybe 2 scooters. 

Merry Christmas,


Dear Santa, 

I am 5 years old and I live in Wheeler.  This year I have been really good.  I helped my mom put up the Christmas tree this year.  I would like a nerf gun and a toy red truck for Christmas.  



Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in a house.  This year I have been good.  Something nice that I did was when I let Eveyn in front of me in line.  I would like an American girl doll and a hula hoop for Christmas.  I hope that Amelia has a happy birthday.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in Newton. This year I have been good. This year I have been nice to my friends.  I would like LOL dolls, hair dye, dancing Bluey, make-up, dress up, a ring, and a necklace for Christmas this year.  I hope to get a Squishy too!



Dear Santa,

My name is Izzy and I am 5 years old.  I live in Willow Hill and have been good this year.  I was nice when I helped my mom with the Christmas party.  For Christmas, I would like a hover board for my sister, a princess clock for my room, and a picture of me with the princess.  I hope to have a giant chocolate to share with my friends!

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How cold is the North Pole?  My behavior this year was good.  I have helped my brother, been nice to my friends, and I tell my teacher that she is the best.  Some things I would like for Christmas are a Barbie car, a big Barbie, and a stuffed animal.  Thank you very much for brining Twinkle Toes to our family! I hope you don’t crash the sleigh.



Dear Santa, 

I am 5 years old and I live in West Liberty.  This year I have been good.  I was nice when I told a boy to throw his tray away.  I would like an army set and football gloves for Christmas.  I hope you stop at my house!

Your Friend, 


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in Newton.  This year I have been very good.  Something nice that I did was when I played with my friends.  I would like a Barbie house, a baby doll and a new necklace for Christmas please.  I hope you see my elf, Joy.



Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old and I live in Newton.  This year I have been helpful.  Something nice that I did was when I helped Ashlynn and Amara with a math paper.  I would like an everything watch, an electric scooter and an electric skate board for Christmas.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in Newton.  This year I have been nice.  Something nice that I did was when I work on the tractor.  I would like a Nintendo Switch and Farm Sim for Christmas.  I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in a house.  This year I have been in kindergarten.  Something nice that I did was when I shared toys.  I would like a unicorn with rainbows and clouds and a Christmas ornament for Christmas.  I hope to see you soon.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old.  I have been good this year.  I play with my little brother.  I also help mom and dad around the house and with yard work.  I would like some crafts and a soccer ball for Christmas.  I hope you get lots of milk and cookies.



Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old and I live in Newton.  This year I have been very nice.  Something nice that I did was when I shared my toys with my cousin.  I would like a desk and chair and babydoll with bed and Gabby dollhouse for Christmas.  I hope you stay warm when you are delivering presents.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in Hidalgo.  This year I have been good.  Something nice that I did was when I helped my friend when she was hurt.  I would like a play horse for Christmas.  I hope you are doing well.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old and I live in Gila.  This year I have been good.  Something nice that I did was when I share my toys.  I would like makeup, mermaid Barbie doll and headphones for Christmas.  I hope you don’t fall off a roof.

Your friend,


Mrs. Millsap’s Class – Ste. Marie Elementary

Dear Santa, 

  I have been kind of good this year! I would love army clothes and an army hat. I love those things! I have one army toy at home already! 



Dear Santa, 

I have been really good this year! I listened to my Dad all the time. I would really like a Nerf gun, some Legos, and Pokemon cards. I already have 50 Pokemon cards but I would love a few more!



Dear Santa,

I have been really good this year but a little bit bad sometimes, too. I would love a naughty elf that plays tricks on me. It can even make our house messy. Moma and me will clean it up! I would also like a Barbie boat, please! 

Thank you,

Addy H.

Dear Santa, 

I have been really good this year. I play with my family all the time! I would really love a big doll that looks like a Barbie. I love Barbie! I used to have some but my dog chewed them up. 



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I help my little brother and sister pick up their toys all the time! I would love a blue bike. I already know how to ride by bike without training wheels! 

Thank you, 


Dear Santa, 

I have been good this year but my brother hasn’t been! I help my Mom do chores on Fridays. I would love a walking unicorn with purple hair and a sparkly horn. Can I please have a unicorn dolly too please? 



Dear Santa,

I have been really really good this year. I already wrote  you a letter but I don’t mind sending you two letters! I need a new Elsa water bottle. I would also love some new dolls. 



Dear Santa, 

I have been super good this year! I always clean up my room when my mom asks me to. I would love a toy race car. I love blue race cars. Thank you, Santa!



Dear Santa

I have been good all the time this year. Well, I try to be good! I help take care of my baby cousin sometimes. That is a good thing to do!  I would really like new art supplies  and a spirograph. Those look so cool!



Dear Santa, 

     I have been sort of good this year! I always help my mom and sisters do stuff they can’t do because they are girls. I would really like an RC monster truck. I would love the Grave Digger one. It is gray and black! I don’t have any other RC trucks but I do have other toys that have batteries. 



Dear Santa,

I would love a Stinky and Dirty truck. Thank you, Santa!



Dear Santa, 

I have been really good this year because I haven’t been bad all day. I would love a marble run and a marble set. I would also really like some rainbow magic sand. I do not need anymore watermelon toothpaste because I still have some. 



Dear Santa,

I have been pretty good this year! I help my brother carry his stuff sometimes. I would like 10 new baseball cards. I am already getting Pokemon cards for my birthday. 

Thank you so much, 


Dear Santa, 

I have been really good this year! I would like $2 to buy a trumpet and a guitar. I want to make lots of music! 


Addy Z.

Dear Santa, 

I have been super duper good this year! I even said sorry to my sister after I hit her. I would like a shark monster truck! It has to be really fast!



Dear Santa, 

I have been really really good this year! I cleaned up my room 10 times. I would love a new dark red bike. I would also like a Rudolph toy that talks and you can take his hat off. 

Thank you, 


Mrs. Cleaver’s Class

Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How are the elves? For Christmas, I would like a monster truck and a toy car. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Newton.


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Wheeler. How are your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a toy dirt bike and a blue monster truck. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Jewett. Why do cars have numbers and colors? For Christmas, I would like water toys and water guns. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How are the elves? For Christmas, I would like a fancy Barbie doll and a Barbie car. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How do your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I want an LOL magic flyer and a monster high toy. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I would like the LOL camper and LOL dolls. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How do are your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a Barbie dreamhouse and a Barbie Jeep. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. What is your favorite cookie? For Christmas, I would like a reindeer and a Barbie doll. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas, I would like a Barbie camper and a Barbie boat. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Newton. How do your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I would like an Army jeep and a remote control helicopter. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Newton. How are you doing? For Christmas, I would like LOL magic flyer and some a monster truck. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 5 years old. I live in Yale. How do your reindeer get their magic? For Christmas, I would like Hulk with a hammer and armor and a spider-man that shoots water. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Hidalgo. How are you doing? For Christmas, I would like a toy phone and a toy microphone. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Newton. How old are you? For Christmas, I would like an RC truck and an RC airplane.  Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Yale. How are your reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a water gun and a pirate ship. Thank you!


Dear Santa,

I am 6 years old. I live in Hidalgo. How do your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I would like a real phone and a tablet. Thank you!
