The Bogota News and Island Grove News May 27, 1999

All articles have been scanned for text and are reprinted as typed in the original article.

The Bogota News: May 27th, 1999

Helen Shew: Visiting her on Saturday morning was Rex Shew. Barbara Gill came Sunday evening and brought her some strawberries out of her garden. Larry and Janet Shew visited her Sunday evening. Tuesday morning she same to Newton after groceries.

Pearl Smith and Delphine Crouse: On Thursday morning John and Nina Colclasure came and took then to Vincennes to Charlie’s for dinner for their birthdays. On Thursday night Maxine Quick came and visited awhile. Helen and Lloyd Galloway came Wednesday and tilled the garden for her and came in and visited awhile. Pearl and Delphine went to Pauline and Kenny Kistner’s and visited awhile one afternoon last week.They came to S.S. and church Sunday a.m. After church they went to Effingham to Long John Silvers and ate and done a little shopping.

Darrell and Evelyn Fritschle: Darrell came to church Sunday a.m. They came to Newton Tuesday morning and got groceries. Harold Deimel visited with Darrell Tuesday and mowed the orchard grass for him.

Ima Gosnell came to Newton Friday and got groceries. Saturday Margaret Fehrenbacher and Karen Scherer came and took her to The Freeze for dinner and visited. She came to S.S. and church Sunday a.m. On Monday she went to Newton and done her laundry.

Larry and Phyllis Galloway went to Effingham Saturday after noon to the Bug Fest, a show of Volkswagens. They had a cook out on the lot and they are there. Sunday they came to S.S. and church. After church they went to Hardees and had a sandwich for lunch. Phyllis went down and got Cole off to school Tuesday morning and shopped at Wal-Mart.She’s been working in the yard and garden planting some flowers. Tuesday afternoon Larry and Phyllis and Lloyd and Helen Galloway went to Headyville to the cemetery and put flowers on their parents’ graves.

Helen and Lloyd Galloway went Friday night to Edgewood to the Opry. Saturday just worked around home. Sunday they came to S.S. and church. After church they went to Greg and Cheryl Ginders and Ross and Paige, then they all went to Charlie’s at Vincennes and ate supper.

Sunday at church we had a special; Cathy Shew, Frances White,Richard and Alberta Shoot sang “An Unclouded Day.” They done a very good job. We enjoy any special.

Raymell Taylor and Frances White: Last Wednesday after breakfast Frances took out the garbage and burned it. The mail came in and watched Donnie and Marie Osmond.Frances went and emptied the wheel barrow of grass and brought two 1/2 bu. baskets of corn to shell for birds. She shelled one. Came in and cooked supper. Charolett called before she left for work.Thursday: After breakfast Frances started the mower and mowed part of the garden. Mail came and went through it. Frances fixed them a sandwich for lunch. She cooked a pan of beans for supper. Opal Gillespie stopped and got some starts of flowers to set out.James Edward Taylor called his mother. Clyde Songer called and said he’d be by later. Frances put the mower up and they watched Donnie and Marie. Then they set out 5 tomato plants and put cages around them. Came in and warmed up supper. She came in and sliced some strawberries and put sugar on them and put in the refrigerator.

Friday. After breakfast Frances filled up a jar of Sweet and Low while Raymell done the dishes. Then she filled up some bird feeders. Mail went and they went through it. Charolett called and talked to Raymell.Then Raymell called to see how Hobart Stanley was. Kellers had 3 big tractors and worked a bunch of ground down and planted on east of them. Don and Debbie Geier came and mowed the yard. Warmed up supper and watched TV.

Saturday: After breakfast Frances fed the birds. Then one of Raymell’s cousins from Tenn. called. Charolett called again. They got dressed and went to Olney. They went to bank at Newton and then to Wal-Mart. They ate at Wal-Mart and done some shopping. Came back to Newton and stopped at IGA and got some groceries. Put some things on to cook for supper. Ate supper and Hilma called. Watched TV and to bed. Sunday got up an ate and got ready and came to church. Went back home and about 12:30 decided to go to The Freeze and ate dinner Frances’s granddaughter called Frances from Louisiana Raymell called Hilma and Evlyn Fritschle. Then she took a nap. Warmed up supper and watched TV and to bed.

Monday: After breakfast work Frances had to take her Ford car to Webster’s as she had a recall on it. Then she took the car to Paul Shaffer’ and had a new belt on it and checked. Then she took it to the car wash and vacuumed it and washed it. Raymell fixed her own breakfast. Frances got back about noon. Went through the mail and about 1:30 p.m. she fixed them a sandwich for lunch. Then Merrill Brown came. They went to the barn came back and she killed a big snake. Was about 4 in.around. Makes 9 she has killed this year Came in and watched Donnie and Marie. Frances cooked some chicken to put in with some noodles. Warmed up supper. Merrill B.came with Mae Sessengood and her daughter and son-in-law they brought her a tractor and machinery They took some that evening She picked two big bowls of strawberries.

Tuesday: May’s son-in-law came after the plow, disc,and bush hog. Frances put a pan of bean’s on for supper. Then the got ready and went to Newtor about 1:30 p.m. Raymell paid her car insurance and the went to the Dairy Queen for lunch. Couldn’t get in till about 3 as they had 100 school kids there to eat. After p.m.they went back to IGA and went to Alco and got more flowers. They got home about 5 o’clock and unloaded the car and put things away. Francis set the flowers out in the big flower boxes on the front porch Raymell got 2 pots of hanging flowers and she took some of them out and set them out Warmed up supper and will watch TV and go to bed.

We want to express our sympathy to all of the family Luetta Kingery. Her husband “Herb” is in the nursing home.

Island Grove News

Leota Miller paid us a stop by Friday. It was good to see Leota again. On Saturday nothing happened that amounted to anything. I planted a few radish seeds. On Sunday Delite went to Lakeland Nursing Center in Effingham to visit with Juanita Swingler. She is fine.Sunday evening Ann came. We got on health subject We took blood pressures. Delite’s was a little high. Mine was OK. On Monday afternoon, May 17, RSVP only had 13 volunteer workers present. Louise Swingler brought two lap robe tops.Delite Groth brought a bag of material. Tuxcedo Carlson sent nine neck pillows.Jessie Gephart brought two lap robe tops. Pauline Redman brought four neck pillow tops. Two quilts and nine lap robes were finished. A lady from High Rise Apartments gave one afghan. Next Monday is potluck. Delite and I went out north to see a resale place and it was not open so we went to Trailways Restaurant for supper Monday evening. A very large crowd attended the Civitas Bank Spring Social at the K of C Hall in Effingham Wednesday. Every table was filled for the noon luncheon.We were lucky again to have been seated by a very nice couple from Decatur.We saw several friends we seldom see. This is a short week. I mailed the news on Thursday, May 20.Holidays are coming up. This changes a lot of duties.