Toys for Kids Pickup

Source: Connie Elliott, Jasper County HCE Toys for Kids 217-259-9301
The Jasper County HCE organization will be distributing the Toys for Kids gifts, Thursday, from 8:30 a.m.
– 6 p.m. at the Jasper Unit 1 offices, former Sunrise Youth Center in Newton
Jasper County Residents who pre-registered through ERBA, Head Start, or the Jasper County Health
Department can pick up your gifts at your convenience Thursday, December 14.
If someone else is going to pick up your items, please call 217-259-9301 to make arrangements, and just
a reminder photo ID is required to pick up gifts.
Thanks to the Jasper County Community, for your monetary donations and new toy donations. Thanks
to the 4-H Youth and St. Thomas youth for helping provide 244 Jasper County Youth with gifts this year.