Unofficial Minutes for Newton City Council July 5 Meeting


Newton, IL 62448 

July 5, 2023 

1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl 

In the absence of Mayor Joshua Kuhl, Attorney William Heap called the  meeting to order at 6:00 PM.  

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Larry Brooks. 

Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Larry Brooks. 3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, Deputy City Clerk 

Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, RJ  Lindemann and Eric Blake 

Also present: Attorney William Heap, City Clerk Rosetta York and Deputy  City Clerk Maggie McDonald 

Absent: Mayor Joshua Kuhl, Treasurer Melissa Brooks and Alderman Mike  Swick 

Attorney Heap called for a motion to appoint Alderman Larry Brooks as Mayor  Pro Tem for the July 5, 2023 meeting.  

A motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to  appoint Larry Brooks as Mayor Pro Tem for this meeting of the Newton City  Council.  

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

Abstain: Brooks 

4. ADOPT OR AMEND AGENDA: Item #6 add Roger Bass 

Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adopt the  amended agenda. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Glumac, Wright  

Nays: None 


Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to approve  the minutes of the June 20, 2023 meeting of the Newton City Council. Ayes: Blake, Glumac, Wright, Lindemann 

Nays: None 

6. PUBLIC COMMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS: Roger Bass spoke on behalf of  the Ambraw River Eagles Club about concerns with Republic Services and  their commercial trash rate. He is still waiting for an update on the account.  The contract and rates the City of Newton holds with Republic Services can  be found in Chapter 17 of our Municipal Code. 

7. COMMITTEE REPORTS OR COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM.  Water/Wastewater Committee Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:11 PM  

Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Monday, June 26, 2023, 6:00 PM – 6:07 PM Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM 

• Appropriations for the fiscal year 2023 were discussed. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:07 PM 

Those in attendance: RJ Lindemann – Chairman, Maggie McDonald, Gayle Glumac, Melissa  Brooks, Larry Brooks, Kaleb Wright, Tyler Weber  

Water Wastewater Committee Meeting, June 26, 2023, Start: 6:11pm Attendees: Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, Melissa Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake, Gayle Glumac,  Maggie McDonald, Tyler Weber, Brent Benefiel. 


Boring Ordinance for Contractors 

• Tyler presented the village of Oblong’s ordinance for boring within their  jurisdiction. The committee has advised Tyler to make the necessary changes to  this template and present it to the City Attorney at a later date. 

Upgrading to Cellularm Autodialer 

• This topic was raised in a previous committee meeting and was voted to be  tabled; Tyler has brought this up again due to the events Sunday June 25th. This  system will automatically dial Tyler even during a power outage should any of his  equipment or pumps have malfunctions. The current system is reliant on land  lines that do not function during power outages and leaves Tyler in the dark. The  committee moved to send the PO to the July 5th council meeting. 

Inquiry on placing signage on City owned wells. 

• Tyler has noticed an increase in persons going out to our wells, these persons  have been seen climbing, jumping off, and tampering with City property. Tyler  inquired about putting signage on City wells and/or posting signage with the land  owners’ consent to deter these persons. The committee asked Kaleb Wright to  contact the City Attorney about where and how signage can be posted. 

Tower radio transmitters 

• Tyler has been experiencing issues communicating with several wells and one  water tower, there is some sort of interference between his main and the  transmitters on said wells and tower. Tyler expressed that within his 5 year plan  he is seeking to replace these transmitters to have a better connection, and that  this is not an urgent issue. 


Purchase/Rental of a ‘09 used Ramjet Jetter Truck

• Brent informed the committee that his current jetter truck is in disrepair and is  “nickel and diming” the city on repairs, currently it is down with a starting issue  that would require a complete rebuild. With the disrepair of the current ‘95  model Brent has presented to the council the used ‘09 Ramjet Jetter Truck, this  truck comes with a front end reel, 500ft of new line, and an auto reel. The  Ramjet Jetter Truck is a total of $65,000 with an unusual option to rent the truck  while having the rent paid taken off the total price. Rental of this truck is $9,250  for one month, the committee moved to add the rental of the truck as a line  item in the July 5th council meeting. 

Discuss Relining damaged Sewer mains 

• Brent identified 3 stretches of the sewer main that have been damaged. The  initial quote Brent has received is $65 per ft, the current projects purposed are  about 827ft putting the project at $53,755. Committee advised Brent to go  through with what is needed to continue with this project, once all information is gathered it will be presented again to the committee. 

Update on replacement of air line 

• Parts for the construction have been purchased in the amount of $7,548.18,  work shall begin once all parts have arrived. Once completed this project will  have exponential returns on electricity usage as only one pump will have to be  run. 

The June 26th Water Wastewater Committee meeting adjourned at 7:00pm 8. OLD BUSINESS 

 A. Consider and act on authorizing Connor & Connor to proceed with sidewalk  repair on East side of South Van Buren from Decatur St. to Reynolds St.  Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to  authorize Connor & Connor to proceed with sidewalk repair on East side of  South Van Buren from Decatur St. to Reynolds St. 

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

 B. Consider and act on passing Ordinance 23-08 to Condemn an Unsafe and  Dangerous Building at 702 Foster Street, Newton, Illinois.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to pass  Ordinance 23-08 to Condemn an Unsafe and Dangerous Building at 702  Foster Street, Newton, Illinois.  

Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Blake, Glumac 

Nays: None 

 C. Consider and act on passing Ordinance 23-09 to Condemn an Unsafe and Dangerous Building at 200 North Goble Street, Newton, Illinois.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to pass Ordinance 23-09 to Condemn an Unsafe and Dangerous Building at 200  North Goble Street, Newton, Illinois. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 

 D. Consider and act on passing Ordinance 23-10 to Convey and Obtain  Reconveyance of Certain Lots in Five Aprils Crossing Subdivision.   Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to pass Ordinance 23-10 to Convey and Obtain Reconveyance of Certain Lots in  Five Aprils Crossing Subdivision. 

Ayes: Blake, Glumac, Wright, Lindemann 

Nays: None 

 E. Consider and act on authorizing #3 Final Pay Estimate due to Breland & Son Drilling in the amount of $29,712.50 for the work completed on Water Well #10.  Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize #3 Final Pay Estimate due to Breland & Son Drilling in the amount  of $29,712.50 for the work completed on Water Well #10. 

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None  

 F. Consider and act on authorizing Connor & Connor invoice for final work on Water  Well #10 in the amount of $12,047.76.  

Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to  authorize Connor & Connor invoice for final work on Water Well #10 in the amount of $12,047.76.  

Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Blake, Glumac 

Nays: None 


A. Consider and act on entering into a five-year Tower Lease Agreement with the  County of Jasper. Tower location 1600 W. Jourdan Street, Newton, Illinois, for  installation and operation of an equipment shelter, antenna facilities, directional  antennas, connecting cables and appurtenances.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to  authorize entering into a five-year Tower Lease Agreement with the  County of Jasper. Tower location 1600 W. Jourdan Street, Newton, Illinois,  for installation and operation of an equipment shelter, antenna facilities,  directional antennas, connecting cables and appurtenances.  

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 

B. Consider and act on authorizing a one-month rental for a 2009 used Ramjet  Jetter Truck in the amount of $9,250.00 as recommended by the  

Water/Wastewater Department.  

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize a one-month rental for a 2009 used Ramjet Jetter Truck in the  amount of $9,250.00 as recommended by the Water/Wastewater  Department. 

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Mayor Pro Tem Brooks 

Nays: Blake 

C. Consider and act on amending the insurance policy to include injectables within  the prescription plan.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to  authorize amending the insurance policy to include injectables within the  prescription plan.  

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

D. Consider and act on authorizing the Special Event Permit Application for  Newton Community High School 2023 Homecoming Parade on Friday,  October 6, 2023.  

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to  authorize the Special Event Permit Application for Newton Community High  School 2023 Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 6, 2023.  

Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Blake, Glumac 

Nays: None 

E. Consider and act on passing Resolution 23-07 Homecoming Parade 2023.  Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to pass  Resolution 23-07 Homecoming Parade 2023.  

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 


GLUMAC: Thanked Matt Tarr and his Electric Department team for their quick  response to the power outage and the mess it left. Re-connecting to the  substation went smoothly with no outage required, thanks to all the departments who worked together for our city.  

WRIGHT: Seconded Gayle Glumac’s comments.  


LINDEMANN: Revisions to the Demolition Reimbursement Application were  made. Voiced opinion on Capital Development Fund.  

BLAKE: No comments 

CITY ATTORNEY: No comments 

DEPUTY CITY CLERK: 3 PO’s (Wastewater Dept. PO#9 for purchase of utility  pipe air duct parts from Utility Pipe Sales Co. in the amount of $7,548.18. Water  Dept. PO# 6534 for the cleaning of water wells 9 and 10 and the purchase of a  new pump for water well #10 from Hacker Well and Pump in the total amount of  $37,750.00. Water Dept. PO#6535 for RACO Cellularm Autodialer with outdoor  antenna from R.E. Pedrotti Co. in the amount of $4192.00.)

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to authorize the  Wastewater Department PO #9 for purchase of utility pipe air duct parts from  Utility Pipe Sales Co. in the amount of $7,548.18. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize the  Water Department PO #6534 for the cleaning of water wells #9 & #10, and the  purchase of a new pump for water well #10 from Hacker Well and Pump in the total  amount of $37,750.00.  

Ayes: Blake, Glumac, Wright, Lindemann 

Nays: None 

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to authorize the  Water Department PO #3535 for RACO Cellularm Autodialer with outdoor antenna  from R.E. Pedrotti Company in the amount of $4,192.00.  

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

 11. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: July 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM  

SCHEDULED COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting  Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM. 



Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to adjourn the meeting. 

Ayes: Wright, Lindemann, Blake, Glumac 

Nays: None 

Meeting adjourned at 6:39 PM. 

Submitted by Maggie McDonald, Deputy City Clerk