Unofficial Minutes of September 1 City Council Meeting


108 N. Van Buren St
Newton, IL 62448
September 1, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: Mark Bolander, Mayor
In the absence of Mayor Bolander, Clerk Rosetta York, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Eric Blake.
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Marlene Harris.
3. ROLL CALL: Rosetta York, City Clerk
Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Larry Brooks, Robert Riesner, Eric Blake (arrived at
6:07 PM) and Marlene Harris
Also present: Treasurer Melissa Brooks and Clerk Rosetta York
Absent: David Brown and Attorney William Heap
Clerk Rosetta York called for a motion to appoint Robert Riesner as Mayor Pro Tem for
tonight’s meeting.
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to appoint Robert Riesner Mayor Pro Tem
for this meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Glumac, Brooks, Harris, Reisner
Nays: None
Motion was made by Brooks, seconded by Glumac, to adopt the proposed agenda.
Ayes: Brooks, Harris, Reisner, Glumac
Nays: None
5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of August 18, 2020.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to approve the minutes of the August
18, 2020 meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Harris, Reisner, Glumac, Brooks
Nays: None
Shannon Woodard: Discussed the reroute of the sewer main that runs west to east on
805 and 807 W. Jourdan St. that would be covered up by the new Sarah Bush Clinic.
John Stone: Told the council the bid letting for the street repair on the west and south
blocks around ”The Square” will be September 15, 2020 in City Hall at 10:00 AM.
A. Consider and act on Connor & Connor to solicit bids for rerouting the wastewater mains
for the new Sarah Bush Clinic on W. Jourdan St.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Glumac, to authorize Connor & Connor
to solicit bids for rerouting the wastewater mains for the new Sarah Bush Clinic
on W. Jourdan St.
Ayes: Reisner, Glumac, Brooks, Harris
Nays: None
B. Consider and act on using TIF funds for the rerouting wastewater main project
for the new Sarah Bush Clinic on W. Jourdan St.
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to authorize using TIF funds
for the rerouting wastewater main project for the new Sarah Bush Clinic on W.
Jourdan St.
Ayes: Glumac, Brooks, Harris, Reisner
Nays: None
Eric Blake arrived at 6:07 PM
C. Consider and act on a TIF application to demolish a trailer on W. Washington St.
Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Brooks, to authorize the reimbursement
with TIF funds of $2,375.00 which is half of the TIF eligible expenses to demolish
a trailer on 606 W. Washington St. lot.
Ayes: Brooks, Blake, Harris, Reisner, Glumac
Nays: None
A. Consider and act on a lease of a like new tractor from Midwest Tractor Sales and a
trade-in of the city’s current tractor with the costs shared by Street and Wastewater


108 N. Van Buren St
Newton, IL 62448
September 1, 2020

Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to authorize a 5 year lease of a
2019 New Holland T6 tractor and loader from Midwest Tractor Sales with a
$25,000 trade-in of the city’s current tractor as the first year’s payment and with
an annual payment of $10,956.78 for four (4) years following shared by Street and
Wastewater Departments. (Total for the 5-year lease from the quote is $68,827.16)
Ayes: Blake, Harris, Reisner, Glumac, Brooks
Nays: None
B. Consider and act on 20-11 An Ordinance Approving Annexation Agreement
with Barbara D. Martin and Judith Zumbahlen.
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Harris, to pass 20-11 An Ordinance
Approving Annexation Agreement with Barbara D. Martin and Judith Zumbahlen.
Ayes: Harris, Reisner, Glumac, Brooks, Blake
Nays: None

August 24, 2020, Wastewater committee on August 24, 2020, Finance Committee Meeting on
September 1, 2020 and JEDI on September 1, 2020.
Riesner-Street: Discussed leasing a 2019 New Holland T6 tractor from Midwest Tractor Sales
Inc. with loader-AG for 5 years. The first year is covered by the trade-in of the City’s current
tractor and four annual payments of $10,956.78. The committee decided to lease the tractor
with shared cost with Street and Wastewater Departments.
Riesner-Wastewater: Discussed needing to reroute sewer mains for new Sarah Bush Clinic
at a cost between $35,000 and $40,000 with TIF funds. Discussed the Newton Senior Living
Complex which is being built. There is a sewer main that might need replaced or upgraded
when it is exposed. The Wastewater Department will inspect. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM.
We discussed the TIF application for 606 W Washington St. to demolish a trailer, do dirt
work, and put up a fence. It was decided to not pay for the fence, because if we agreed on
paying for the fence, we would be setting a prescience to pay for any future fences with TIF
money. It was agreed that the total amount that would be eligible would be $4750. TIF
amount is half of this amount which will be $2375.
Melissa Brooks addressed other matters on the Trump Executive Decision to not charge
social security taxes until January. Then they would have to be paid back double to get
caught back up. It was suggested by auditors not to comply with the executive order. A vote
will be taken at council meeting to follow. Adjourned at 5:50 PM
Harris-JEDI: Excerpts from Amber Volk’s minutes of JEDI
1. Byron Veech Newton Power Plant Manager drew the Vistra Energy Grant Winners:
• The Mane Attraction, Rauch’s Jewelry LLC, Knights of Columbus, Nail & Hair Cottage,
J&R Freeze Inc, BIT Tri-Fitness, Rauch’s Bait Shop, Parklanes, Shear Country Family
Hair Care, Nancy’s Daycare.

2. Motion to hire Carrie Goldstein to redevelop the JEDI website at the cost of $900 made by
Louis Ochs, second by Jack Thompson, motion passed.
3. Monthly Updates
a. Amber Volk, Executive Director
i. Working on getting quotes for cardboard virtual reality googles.
ii. Next Marketing Meeting will be Oct. 6th, 2020 at 9:45am @ the Chamber Building. The
current plan is to have a Jeep Run on October 3rd for the marketing fund. The
marketing fund will be used towards our Jasper County wide video and other future
needs. Amber Wakefield’s original open house/meet and greet with area businesses is
b. Larry Brooks, City of Newton Alderman
i. The Senior Apartments, Sarah Bush Clinic, and West End Reception and Events are
all moving forward.
ii. From Mark Bolander “I would like to congratulate Amber Wakefield on officially starting
her position as Marketing Manager.”
c. Ron Heltsley, Jasper County Board Chairman
i. Currently busy with upcoming election.
ii. The architects are 30 days behind with the jail project.
iii. Currently working on budget for next fiscal year.
d. Sarah Kinkade, Chamber of Commerce Director
i. No current events, will be meeting next week to determine Fall Festival. (Since the
meeting, the Fall Festival has been cancelled for 2020.)

ii. We are looking for community volunteers willing to give 30 minutes of their time and
$20-$30 to purchase groceries for isolated and quarantined citizens. Please contact
the Chamber if interested: 618-783-3399 or
iii. Doug Weddell: “The Chamber has a new TV/Computer located in the front window of
the Chamber building donated by the Cork ‘n Pork Festival.”

Council Members:
Glumac: No comment
Brooks: No comment
Blake: No comment
Harris: No comment
City Treasurer: No comment
City Clerk: There is an interest from the family of Clara Miller to put a memorial within the city
for her. Lot 21 in Five Aprils Crossing is for sale by the Tony Griffith estate.
Mayor Pro Tem Reisner: No comment
11. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: No Executive Session
Motion was made by Glumac, seconded by Brooks, to adjourn the meeting.
Ayes: Glumac, Brooks, Blake, Harris, Reisner
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 6:29 PM.
Submitted by Rosetta M. York