Unofficial Minutes of the Jasper County Board

Jasper County Board
February 13, 2020

The County Board met in regular session on Thursday, February 13, 2020. Members present were Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Hickox, Kerner, Pickens, Warfel, Michl and Weddell. Swick was absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by proclamation according to law by Sheriff Francis.
Sheriff Francis led a moment in silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments: None
Kerner made a motion to approve the agenda. Warfel seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Committee Reports:
The Road and Bridge Committee met on February 10 th at the Highway Office. Approved purchase of 2020 Ford ½ Ton truck in the amount of $25,793 from Pennington Auto Group, LLC. Motion was made by Darrel Hickox and seconded by Gary Michl. Discussion was held on the 5-year federal program. Foreman’s mileage for January 2020 was 2,320 miles.
Solid Waste Committee did not meet.
The Sheriff’s Committee met on January 29 th . Full-Time Correctional Officer, Matt Odell has resigned with a last day of January 17 th . Part-Time Correctional Officer, Ashley Ruholl have been hired as a Full-time Correctional Officer starting January 27 th . Janet Chapman was hired as a Part-time Dispatcher beginning training February 3 rd . Francis has a meeting scheduled for January 30 th with States Attorney and Chief Mike Swick to work on an inter government agreement for the Sheriff’s Office, The Newton Police Department, and 911 Communications.
The Sheriff, Chief and Ed Francis met with the Architect and Engineers on January 21 st to discuss the design that was purposed. Leffler stated, he feels there should be a cap put on the project. Work has begun on a grant application for new tasers. Several of the old taser are no longer working and not all of the deputies currently have tasers. Judge Koester has expressed concerns with not having Courthouse security 5 days a week. Judge Koester advised that she is willing to pay for a portion of the security cost out of the court security fund, however she did not want to deplete that fund. The committee discussed the cost of the security.
The Finance Committee met on February 10 th . Clinton spoke on general fund report of income and expenses. Clinton gave a report on CD rates, maturity dates. 3 came due, one bank was aggressive with a rate of 2.05%. Clinton went over IMRF 2019 Employer Retirement Reserve Statements. The SLEP Enhancement Reserve account is no longer used. It has been sitting out there with a negative balance, will not go away and needs to be paid. It is costing us interest each year, have to pay and come out of IMRF and need full board approval. Bollman made a motion to pay the IMRF SLEP Enhancement Reserve Account. Hall seconded the motion. Motion passed all in favor. Hall made a motion to approve the 6 months reports from the Treasurer,

Circuit Clerk, and County Clerk. Bollman seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. In November, Illinois Separation Group wanted us to separate from Chicago. There was a post and it was read. Bollman made a motion to take to full board Illinois Separation on the Ballot for November. Did not get a second, motion died.
The Building Committee met on February 6 th . Jamie Blake came in on the weekend the flooring was put down in the Circuit Clerk’s Office. They have not put all the pieces down and it is still not level and pieces are not laying flat. There should be more trim pieces, it is not a finished product. Blake is happy with the floor but the pieces are not going to go down by themselves, wanted to make the committee aware. The pieces are noticeable they should all be down; committee will go and see what needs completed after the meeting. Carpenter sealed the rest of the eastside of the court house and prepared a bill that will be due after December 1, 2020. The plaster water spot is still growing in probation’s office. AJ Welding repair ramp for $375 and have new maintenance/custodian paint in spring or summer. Pickens make a motion to have AJ Welding repair the ramps at the court house. Bollman seconded the motion. All in favor motion passed. Water fountain is nice and is up in going in the county building. Emergency Exits for the Count Building, Randy McClure was called and looked at the outside on Monday and Tuesday looked at the inside and is going to prepare an estimate. He is going to have to rent a saw and
talked about locations. Steal emergency exit doors will be installed by McClure but will not do inside work will have to hire someone to do the inside work. An employee at the Sheriff’s Department needs a handicap height toilet. Francis will try to see about an extension to buy for right now don’t want to put money into the building. Law Enforcement project met on the 15 th and the 21 st . Dispatch room is a crucial thing want to have window not an intercom. Michl stated a need to put a cap on budget. Talked about the floor plan, how the jail inspector needs to be working closely with the project. Only one move for dispatch and city is losing impound lot but
trying to build new impound lot, county does not have vehicles very long and don’t get much money from them, state gets most of it. City has a tower and school is possibly interested in
county tower. Court room wall needs drywall work done, talked to Devin Hollsaple will talk to
Ronnie Diel, and Schackmann, and Milliman for estimates. Pickens made a motion to allow the
Tourism to decorate the court house lawn for Christmas. Bollman seconded the motion. The
motion carried on a voice vote. Talked about seeing is someone would sponsor a light display
with a winner, it would give a reason for people to drive around and possibly come to the county.
Hickox made a motion for 811 Banner to be displayed on the court house lawn for the months of
March and April. Michl seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
GIS committee did not meet.
The Ambulance Committee met on February 5 th . State inspections were completed and passed by
IDPH and the EMS system along with the chase squad is in service.
The Insurance Committee did not meet.
EMA did not meet.
The Animal Control did not meet.

JEDI met on February 5 th and had the Annual JEDI Celebration.
Personnel Committee did not meet.
Health Department report is in the board packet.
Law Enforcement Committee had not met since the last meeting.
Weddell moved to approve the County Clerk’s report. Hickox seconded the motion. The motion
carried on a voice vote.
Old Business:
Law Enforcement Center Project covered under committee report. Leffler brought up a cap and
everyone needs to think about it to discuss it later.
New Business:
Kerner made a motion to approve the Purchase for pickup (highway dept.) for $25,793. Pickens
seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.
The motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner,
Warfel, Pickens, Leffler, Michl, Hickox and Weddell voting yes. Swick was absent.
Clinton Bigard explained the IMRF Employer Retirement Reserve Statement and explained
some of the amounts. The negative balance has to written as a check. Bigard has only been the
IMRF agent for a year, so it has been going on for a while. It has been costing us $14,000 a year
for interest. Christine Fine has been good to us once, Clinton had dug into this. The County
Audit would not look into this. Leffer made a motion to approve the IMRF – payment of the
SLEP Enhancement Reserve Account of $209,742.85. Bollman seconded the motion. The
motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner, Warfel,
Pickens, Leffler, Michl, Hickox and Weddell voting yes. Swick was absent.
We were able to get a better deal on the radios since, we have worked together with the City, and
911. The agreement explains the fees, and the agreement to pay. There is a monthly fee with the
radios. Weddell made a motion to approve of Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning
STARCOM Radio Communication System. Hickox seconded the motion. The motion carried on
a voice vote.
Miller explained the bond has been historically been $25,000, judge was looking for when the
board approved it. So, to move forward we will need to pass a new resolution. Hickox made a
motion to approve County Clerk Surety Bond. Hall seconded the motion. The motion carried on
a voice vote.
Warfel made a motion to approve the 6-month Reports for Treasurer, County Clerk, Sherriff and
Circuit Clerk. Pickens seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice vote.

Warfel moved to approve the minutes. Michl seconded the motion. The motion carried on a
voice vote.
County Board Comments: None
Chairman’s Comments:
The Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts has approved Jasper County Probation
Department’s Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Probation Plan. We are one of the receipts of the Fourth
Judicial Circuit’s $454,407 Adult Redeploy grant. Bollman and Warfel will be attending UCCI
Legislative Reception on February 25 th and 26 th . Illinois Counties Risk Management Conference
will be April 29 & 30, if interested let Amy know.
Hickox made a motion to go into closed session at 7:43 pm. Bollman seconded the motion. The
motion passed on a roll call vote with Bollman, Leffler, Fehrenbacher, Hall, Heltsley, Kerner,
Michl, Warfel, Hickox, Pickens and Weddell voting yes. Swick was absent.
8:27 pm came out of closed session.
Kerner moved to allow the claims. Weddell seconded the motion. The motion carried on a
voice vote.
The next board meeting is March 12 th , 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Leffler moved to adjourn at 8:28 pm. Kerner seconded the motion. The motion carried on a voice
Amy Tarr, Jasper County Clerk