Unofficial Minutes of the Newton City Council January 2nd Meeting


108 N. VAN BUREN St.
NEWTON, IL 62448
January 2, 2024

• Public Hearing for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project to
replace a 4-inch and 6-inch watermain along Washington and Morgan Streets on
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:45 PM.
• Finance and Audit Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:30 PM.

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
    Mayor Joshua Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman RJ Lindemann.
    Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman RJ Lindemann.
  3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, City Clerk
    Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann,
    Eric Blake and Mike Swick
    Also present: Attorney William Heap and City Clerk Maggie McDonald
    Absent: Treasurer Melissa Brooks
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to adopt the
    proposed agenda.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
  5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of December 19, 2023.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to approve the
    minutes of the December 19, 2023 meeting of the Newton City Council.
    Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    • Finance and Audit Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:30
    PM. (Waiting on Minutes)
    A. Consider and act on passing Resolution 23-12, A Resolution of Support for a State of
    Illinois Community Development Block Grant.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to pass
    Resolution 23-12, A Resolution of Support for a State of Illinois Community
    Development Block Grant.
    Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
    Nays: None
    B. Consider and act on authorizing the proposal to Imagine This for a joint City/County
    website with an estimated cost of $6,200.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize
    the proposal to Imagine This, from Effingham, Illinois, for a joint City/County
    website with an estimated cost of $6,200, as recommended by the Finance and
    Audit Committee.

Ayes: Lindemann, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
Nays: Blake
C. Consider and act on authorizing the City Attorney to move forward with a city limit
property disconnection at 8665 N. St. Hwy 130 and 8679 N. St. Hwy 130.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
tabling the City Attorney to move forward with a city limit property
disconnection at 8665 N. St. Hwy 130 and 8679 N. St. Hwy 130.
Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
Nays: None
D. Consider and act on opening the south end of Davis St. to the ballpark for seasonal
Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Mike Swick, to open the south
end of Davis St. to the ballpark for seasonal traffic.
Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
Nays: None
E. Consider and act on authorizing the disbursement of funds to 3B General Contracting
for a Demolition Reimbursement Application for 706 Fairground St.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
tabling the disbursement of funds to 3B General Contracting for a Demolition
Reimbursement Application for 706 Fairground St.
Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
Nays: None
F. Consider and act on authorizing the disbursement of funds to Mike Fischer for a
Demolition Reimbursement Application for 304 W. Curtis St.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize
tabling the disbursement of funds to Mike Fischer for a Demolition
Reimbursement Application for 304 W. Curtis St.
Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
Nays: None
G. Consider and act on authorizing two police officers to attend the Southern Illinois
Criminal Justice Summit on February 28 and February 29, 2024, in Effingham, Illinois.
Total expenses are $85 per person for the two-day conference.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize two
police officers to attend the Southern Illinois Criminal Justice Summit on
February 28 and February 29, 2024, in Effingham, Illinois. Total expenses are
$85 per person for the two-day conference.
Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
Nays: None
H. Consider and act on authorizing one employee from the City Clerk’s office to attend
the Municipal Clerks of Illinois Winter Seminar Training on January 24 – January 26,
2024 in Elgin, Illinois. Total cost of enrollment and lodging is $400.00 plus allowable

Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize one
employee from the City Clerk’s office to attend the Municipal Clerks of Illinois
Winter Seminar Training on January 24-January 26, 2024 in Elgin, Illinois.
Total cost of enrollment and lodging is $400.00 plus allowable expenses.
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
Nays: None
I. Discuss property at 805 Fairground St.
Payment to the insured will be held until matters are taken care of and
satisfactory with city code compliance.

    A. Consider and act on authorizing an Agreement to Purchase to Donna Coad, the
    buyer, with the City of Newton, the seller, of Lot 11 in Five Aprils Subdivision.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Larry Brooks, to authorize an
    Agreement to Purchase to Donna Coad, the buyer, with the City of Newton, the
    seller, of Lot 11 in Five Aprils Subdivision.
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None
    B. Consider and act on authorizing a one-year membership with IMUA with a total cost
    of $3,644.97.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize a
    one-year membership with IMUA with a total cost of $3,644.97.
    Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
    Nays: None
    C. Consider and act on authorizing a CEO Donation in the amount of $1,000 per year
    for three years.
    Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize a
    CEO Sponsorship Pledge in the amount of $1,000 per year for three years.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
    Glumac: Thanked the Leachman’s for the start and continuance over the last four years to
    Lights in the Park. It has been a gift to the City of Newton. Nice to see the city employee’s
    cooperation today in taking lights down, thank you to all that came and helped.
    Wright: No Comments.
    Brooks: No Comments.
    Lindemann: Wished everyone a Happy New Year. Expressed excitement for the new
    City\County website.
    Blake: No Comments
    Swick: Voiced recognition to all who made Lights in the Park, the Old Mill Bridge, and City
    Square festive and welcoming this holiday season.
    City Attorney: No Comments

City Clerk: Echoed RJ Lindemann on excitement for an upcoming City/County joint website
project. Gave shout out to our city workers, we have a good group of guys. Wished everyone a
Happy New Year.
Mayor: Hope everyone was able to relax and enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Thank
you again to all involved making the Lights in the Park, the Old Mill Bridge and the Newton
Square so nice for the holidays, and as always thank you to our City workers for all they do
inside and outside. Onward to a prosperous 2024.

  1. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: January 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM
    • Finance and Audit Committee Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
    • Electric Committee Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
    • Personnel Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adjourn the
    Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.
    Submitted by:
    Maggie E. McDonald, City Clerk