Unofficial Minutes of the Newton City Council October 3, 2023

1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor 

Mayor Joshua Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Eric Blake. 

Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Eric Blake. 

Mayor Kuhl requested a moment of silence for all affected in Effingham County and neighboring  communities.  

3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, City Clerk 

Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann, Eric Blake and Michael  Swick 

Also present: Attorney William Heap, Treasurer Melissa Brooks, and City Clerk Maggie McDonald 4. ADOPT OR AMEND AGENDA: 

#6 – Add Donna Coad, George Hesser and Lanette Huddleston 

#9 – Add 9B. to New Business to discuss Proposed Mayor and Alderman Pay Structure Alteration Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by RJ Lindemann, to adopt the amended agenda. Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick 

Nays: None 

5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of September 19, 2023. 

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to approve the minutes of the  September 19, 2023 meeting of the Newton City Council. 

Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac 

Nays: None 


Sarah Kinkade with Jasper County Chamber, Tina Messina with the American Legion and Ben  and Melyssa Borgic with Borgic Designs spoke in suggestion of switching out the Welcome to  Newton banners uptown. They’re proposing putting up Veterans banners from Memorial Day  through Veterans Day to honor Veterans in our community. Individuals would pay for their own banner (like the flags for Veterans Day). The American Legion will spearhead the project and will  also accept donations for banners. The Chamber would help organize, and Borgic Designs  would create the flags. It was asked that the City help with hardware, maintenance and  displaying. Once figures, quantity of flags that can be displayed and a few other crucial points  are put in place, we hope to see this happen in our community.  

Donna Coad and George Hesser spoke on behalf of Lights in the Park. When Lights in the Park  began, it started with 20 displays. Over the years it has been very successful and continued to  grow to over 80 displays. With that being said, time, dedication and hard work that is put into  the program every year is also growing and becoming to much for the few involved to set up and take down. More help is needed. Ms. Coad also mentioned they would be willing to let  someone else take over the program. The City requested time to discuss the situation at hand.  

Lanette Huddleston, voiced on behalf of the Ambraw Eagles Club, stated back in late Spring the  Eagles Club was overcharged for their garbage pickup. After many conversations with Republic  Services, and them admitting the overcharge, the Eagles have finally received their  reimbursement. She did not feel Republic Services response was timely.


Park, Cemetery and Pool Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 5:30 PM. Park, Cemetery and Pool Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 5:30 PM – 6:20 PM Present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, RJ Lindemann, Mike Swick, Joshua Kuhl, Melissa Brooks, Maggie McDonald, Brad Benefiel,  Mike Schackmann, Tyler Weber, Mindy Hartke, Andre Leachman and Debra Leachman  

Meeting started at 5:30 PM 

• The Leachman’s presented to the council their ideas and concerns with equipment and display storage from lights in the  park. Different options such as purchase of a storage shed and a property lot were discussed. Many different factors take  affect in the process of possibility for storage or a lot.  

• The Leachman’s voiced the need for volunteers to help with setup of the displays. Liability waivers will need to be  enforced.  

• It was presented to the council that all donated money accrued from the lights in the park gets put back into the following  year to cover costs of new lights, cords, fuel and all necessities that make the lights in the park a benefit to our community.  • The Rotary Club would like to donate a bench to be put out at the walking bridge.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM 

Gayle Glumac – Chairman 

Finance/Audit Committee Meeting immediately following the Park, Cemetery and Pool Committee  Meeting.  

Finance/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 6:21 PM – 6:54 PM 

Meeting called to order 6:21 p.m. 

• TIF for Homewood Grill was discussed. It was recommended to award 15% of the project cost ($82,500) in the form of tax  increment generated from the project. 

• TIF for Winner Winner Chicken Dinner was discussed. It was recommended to table the issue for another finance meeting,  as there wasn’t enough information to make an informed recommendation. 

• Tyler Weber brought up a potential “principal forgiveness” grant program. He intends to investigate the matter further. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. 

Those in attendance: Gayle Glumac, Melissa Brooks, Kaleb Wright, Josh Kuhl, Mike Swick, Tyler Weber, Maggie McDonald RJ Lindemann – Chairman  

Personnel Committee Meeting immediately following the Finance/Audit Committee Meeting. Waiting on minutes. 


A. Opening of sealed bids for the 1998 Chevrolet 2500 pick-up truck.  

B. Consider and act on awarding the bid to purchase the 1998 Chevrolet 2500 pick-up truck. Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize awarding Tony Spade the  bid to purchase the 1998 Chevrolet 2500 pick-up truck in the amount of $4,026.00. Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 

C. Consider and act on Demolition Reimbursement Applications for Jed Earnest.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the Demolition  Reimbursement Application for Jed Earnest for properties at 702 Foster and 504 W. Curtis up to  $15,000. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks

Nays: None 

D. Consider and act on TIF application for Robert and Kathryn Samanas.  

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Mike Swick, to table the motion authorizing the TIF  application for Robert and Kathryn Samanas to the October 17, 2023 City Council Meeting.  Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann 

Nays: None 

E. Consider and act on TIF application for Double K 23, LLC. 

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the TIF application for  Double K 23, LLC for 15% of the project cost making the awarded amount up to $82,500 to be  reimbursed yearly based on the incremental tax increase after the project is complete. Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

F. Consider and act on passing Resolution 23-11B, a Resolution of Support for the Safe Routes to School  Grant.  

Motion was made Gayle Glumac, seconded by Mike Swick, to pass Resolution 23-11B, a Resolution of  Support for the Safe Routes to School Grant. 

Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick 

Nays: None 

G. Consider and act on passing Ordinance No. 23-15 altering Chapter 6 Building Regulations, section  pertaining to permit fees, in the Newton City Code Book. 

Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to pass Ordinance No. 23-15 altering  Chapter 6 Building Regulations, section pertaining to permit fees, in the Newton City Code Book. Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Swick, Glumac 

Nays: Lindemann, Blake 

H. Review and discuss quotes for new roof on the Newton Water Plant. 

The three quotes received for the roof were discussed. It was recommended the shingles be taken off  so if there are any leaks they can be identified.  

I. Consider and act on authorizing Ron Diel to replace the roof at the Newton City Water Plant in the amount  of $17,000. 

Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, and no seconded. Motion failed for lack of seconded motion.  


A. Consider and act on authorizing participation in the Community Water Supply Testing Program by the EPA  in the amount of $3,047.87. 

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize participation in the  Community Water Supply Testing Program by the EPA in the amount of $3,047.87. Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright 

Nays: None 

B. Discuss Purposed Mayor and Alderman Pay Structure Alteration.  

Alderman Lindemann suggested an altered system of pay for City Council members and Mayor. It  would be based on a points system structure. The principle behind the altered pay structure is to  encourage attendance to all committee and council meetings. Further discussion to be had at a future  Finance/Audit Committee Meeting. 


Glumac: Prayers to Teutopolis and families, especially the lost ones.  

Wright: Echo Gayle. Such a tragedy.  

Brooks: I agree prayers are needed for Teutopolis.  

Lindemann: Spoke opinion on Capital Development Fund.  

Blake: Echo Gayle 

Swick: The people of Teutopolis need to be in our thoughts and prayers every day. Bids are now open for the  sidewalk projects.  

City Attorney: Trucks come by every day and we do not think about an instance that happened ever  happening until it does. It sure makes you appreciate all responders who put their lives on the line for others  not even thinking twice about it. It’s a marvelous thing to have people that step up and we shall all stay mindful  of their woes.  

City Treasurer: My prayers are with Teutopolis. Very sad tragedy.  

City Clerk: Continue to echo everyone’s prayers for Teutopolis. Shout out to our community and the  overwhelming involvement everyone put forth in signing support letters for participation in the Safe Route to  Schools Grant.  

Mayor: What a heart wrenching event in our neighboring county to the West. In times of tragedy, we focus on  the situation. But we also need to recognize all the first responders, EMS, fire, police and volunteers involved  who were trying to handle the situation the best way possible. Seeing the communities in Effingham County  pull together is astounding. The event was tragic. One good that comes out of something like this is the bond in  the community that remains. We have a lot of good people in small town America.  

Seeing all the participation from residents in Jasper County on the support of letters was amazing. Thank you,  Council, for your time and dedication that you invest into our city.  

11. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: October 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM 

SCHEDULED COMMITTEE MEEINGS: Finance/Audit Committee Meeting October 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Potential Litigation 

Motion was made by Gayle Glumac, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to go out of open session and into  closed session to discuss potential litigation pursuant to the exceptions section of the Open Meetings  Act pertaining to those areas of discussion. 

Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks 

Nays: None 

Open session suspended at 7:25 PM. 

Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to go out of closed session and back  into open session. 

Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann 

Nays: None 

Mayor Joshua Kuhl announced that during closed session the council discussed potential litigation. 


Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake 

Nays: None 

Meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM. 

Submitted by: 

Maggie E. McDonald, City Clerk