Unofficial Minutes of the November 21st City Council Meeting


108 N. VAN BUREN St.
NEWTON, IL 62448
November 21, 2023

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Joshua J. Kuhl, Mayor
    Mayor Joshua Kuhl called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
    Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Gayle Glumac.
  3. ROLL CALL: Maggie McDonald, City Clerk
    Physically present: Gayle Glumac, Kaleb Wright, Larry Brooks, RJ Lindemann,
    Eric Blake and Mike Swick
    Also present: City Clerk Maggie McDonald
    Absent: Attorney William Heap and Treasurer Melissa Brooks
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to adopt the
    proposed agenda.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None
  5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MINUTES of November 7, 2023.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to approve the
    minutes of the November 7, 2023 meeting of the Newton City Council.
    Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
    Nays: None
    Alderman Lindemann reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $305,640.46 and the

bills and accounts payable earlier today and makes a motion to approve the pre-
paids and authorize payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of

$175,026.31. Mike Swick seconded the motion.
Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
Nays: None

    • Police/Building Permit Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at
    6:00 PM.

Police and Building Permit Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 8, 2023 6:00
PM – 7:05 PM
Present: Joshua Kuhl, Riley Britton, Mike Swick, Eric Blake, Larry Brooks, Maggie McDonald,
Melissa Brooks
• The Police and Building Permit Committee went into Executive Session to interview and
discuss new employment in the Police Department.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM
Michael Swick – Chairman

    A. Consider and act on authorizing the American Legion, Borgic Designs and the
    Jasper Co. Chamber to display Veterans banners around the Newton square.

Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright to authorize
the American Legion, Borgic Designs and the Jasper Co. Chamber to display
Veterans banners around the Newton square.
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
Nays: None
B. Consider and act on authorizing the City of Newton to pay for the first round of
hardware for the Veterans banners, with an estimated cost of $805.
Motion was made by Larry Brooks, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to authorize the
City of Newton to pay for the first round of hardware for the Veterans banners,
with an estimated cost of $805. This will be funded out of the Beautification
Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
Nays: None
C. Consider and act on authorizing the hiring of Sean Brody as a full-time officer to the
Newton Police Department with a start date of December 5, 2023, as recommended
by the Police and Building Permit Committee.
Motion was made by Mike Swick, seconded by Larry Brooks, to authorize the
hiring of Sean Brody as a full-time officer to the Newton Police Department
with a start date of December 5, 2023, as recommended by the Police and
Building Permit Committee.
Ayes: Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake
Nays: None

    A. Consider and act on authorizing the 2024 Newton City Council Meeting Schedule.
    Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
    the 2024 Newton City Council Meeting Schedule.
    Ayes: Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick
    Nays: None

B. Consider and act on authorizing Christmas bonuses for all present full-time and part-
time employees who have worked at least 3 months and are currently working,

consisting of an extra eight hours pay or an eight hours day off with pay, to be taken
by the last pay period in April 2024.
Motion was made by Eric Blake, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
Christmas bonuses for all present full-time and part-time employees who have
worked at least 3 months and are currently working, consisting of an extra
eight hours pay or an eight hours day off with pay, to be taken by the last pay
period in April 2024.
Ayes: Wright, Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac
Nays: None
C. Consider and act on authorizing city employee and council Christmas gathering.
Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Mike Swick, authorizing city
employee and council Christmas gathering.

Ayes: Brooks, Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright
Nays: None
D. Discuss Riverside Cemetery Mapping Initiative and proposal.
Brad Benefiel, with the Park Department, was contacted last week about
updating our cadastral data at Riverside Cemetery. Further research and
discussion will be gathered before a final decision is made to move forward
with the update.
E. Consider and act on Special Event Application for Rauch’s Christmas Traditions that
will be held Friday evenings on December 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd from the hours of
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Motion was made by Kaleb Wright, seconded by Gayle Glumac, to authorize
the Special Event Application for Rauch’s Christmas Traditions that will be
held Friday evenings on December 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd from the hours of 5:00
PM – 7:00 PM at Rauch’s Jewelry.
Ayes: Lindemann, Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks
Nays: None

    Glumac: Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
    Wright: Thank you to the Street Department for their leaf pickup service.
    Brooks: Happy Thanksgiving.
    Lindemann: Presented utility adjustments. Happy Thanksgiving and stay grateful.
    Blake: No Comments.
    Swick: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Would like more information on trying to get
    the characters of Holly Jolly brought back into our community.
    City Clerk: Discussed city/county website. Happy Thanksgiving. Shout out to the Street
    Department for all the hard work with leaf pickup.
    Mayor: Read aloud a Thank You letter from Mrs. Hildabrand and residents of Hickory Dr. for
    the landscaping beautification project done by the students of St. Thomas, Mr. Stork, Jordy
    Connor, the city and all involved. Congratulations to the 8th grade students of St. Thomas for
    the Hometown Hero Award presented by the Chamber. As always, thank you to all our city
    employees. Get out and check out the square, it looks very nice. Lastly, lots of prayers going
    out to those in our community. I hope everyone takes this time to reflect and be thankful.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
  2. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: December 5, 2023 at 6:00 PM
    • Electric Committee Meeting Monday, November 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
    • Water/Wastewater Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2023 5:45 PM.
    Motion was made by RJ Lindemann, seconded by Kaleb Wright, to adjourn the
    Ayes: Blake, Swick, Glumac, Wright, Brooks, Lindemann
    Nays: None

Meeting adjourned at 6:32 PM.
Submitted by:
Maggie E. McDonald, City Clerk