Vaccine Distribution Frequently Asked Questions

From the Jasper County Health Department

Frequently asked questions….Covid Vaccine
1. How will we be notified? We will notify you when we have vaccine for you through our Facebook page, Jasper County News online, Code Red through your phones, WIKK and the Jasper County Chamber.

2. Where will you be giving the vaccine? We have plans with other local leaders to give the vaccine in a drive-through manner. We will announce site later. You will stay in your car the entire time.

3. Will I need an appointment? Yes. You will need an appointment time.
4. How do I schedule the appointment? When we get the vaccine and get authorization to give it, we will send out information as described above. You will go online, schedule an appointment time, fill out screening questions and give all needed information. You will then either print out a ticket or save it to your smart phone to be used at the vaccination site.

5. What if I don’t have internet? Find a friend, family member or neighbor that can help you. Jasper County, now is the time you can help someone. If you can’t get your ticket in advance, you may still come to the clinic. Your vehicle will be pulled out of line at one point, where staff and volunteers will help you get your ticket. You will then be merged back in line.

6. Why is a ticket necessary? This ticket and registration does so many things to help us during this mass clinic. All vaccine will be accounted for electronically rather than by hand which makes it easier for us to vaccinate you quickly. It also schedules and can even text you when your second dose is due.

7. Is there one or two doses? Currently and for the foreseeable future we have Moderna vaccine. This vaccine requires two doses, scheduled 28 days apart.

8. How long is this vaccine good for? At this time we don’t have the answer to that question but I will be watching for more information.

9. How do I know if I should get the Covid Vaccine? Contact your primary care provider, he/she knows your medical history and can help you make the best decision.

10. How much does the vaccine cost? There is no charge for the vaccine itself. We will charge an administration fee so bring your insurance information. Whatever your insurance pays will be accepted as full payment, you will receive no other charges. If you have no insurance, you will still be able to get a vaccine.

11. Can I get vaccine from you if I live outside Jasper County? No. You must be a resident of Jasper County to receive vaccine at Jasper County clinics.