Monday Musical: Oklahoma! Reagan Schulte

The NCHS production of Oklahoma! will be held on March 21st through 24th. Tickets are on sale at the high school office and St. Thomas School. Those wanting to purchase hospitality room tickets need to do so at the high school. Show dates and times are March 21st, March 22nd, and March 23rd at 7:00 and March 24th at 2:00. There were some tickets accidentally printed with a 7:00 show time on the 24th, but it is 2:00.

Each Monday between now and the opening of Oklahoma! we will highlight one of the seniors who will be taking the stage. This week we will be highlighting Reagan Schulte. Reagan will be performing in the ensemble and is the daughter of Kevin and Krista Schulte.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

This is my first musical in my high school career and I am doing ensemble.

What was your favorite musical and why?

Oklahoma has been a very fun and exciting process to be a part of this year. The country setting and tap has been so fun to do with my friends.

What scene in Oklahoma is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in)

I love the part where Curly and Jud do their duet. Their voices blend perfectly together and they have a great dynamic.

What are three things being in the musical has taught you? and how have you learned these?

Time management is a huge part of musical because we have about 4 practices a week with strict schedules. It has taught me to be a fast learner as well because it’s not easy learning all the dances and songs.

What are two pieces of advice you would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?

I would definitely start it sooner because since I am just starting this year, I have only been able to have this experience once. Just have fun and be positive. Complaining and bringing other people down won’t help anyone and wont make the time go by any faster. 

What qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?

Brooke the choreographer has been a huge inspiration for me. She makes sure we know the dances and will go over anything that we are confused about. She also has a lot of courage willingly working with high school students and is very confident.

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

Joining the musical my senior year was a great decision for me. I will miss all the after practice suppers and all day practices just having a good time.