Musical Mondays: Emily Ross

Each Monday between now and the opening of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on March 26th we will be featuring Musical Monday. This week we will continue highlighting our NCHS Seniors who are casted in the 2020 NCHS Musical with Senior Emily Ross.

In Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Emily will portray Issachar’s Wife and Potiphar’s Wife. Emily is the daughter of Jerry and Kelly Ross.

The following are Emily’s answers to the questionnaire we provided.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

 I have been involved in The Little Mermaid (crew/curtains), Thoroughly Modern Millie (Stenographer and Mama), and Cinderella (Charlotte).

What was your favorite musical and why?

I enjoyed Thoroughly Modern Millie the most out of all the musicals I have been involved in. TMM was my first musical, so it will always be near and dear to my heart. I was able to learn so many new things about theatre and had the awesome experience of performing and playing a character on stage for the first time. It was a challenging new experience that I will never forget!

What scene in Joseph is your favorite and why? (This does not have to be a scene you are in)

‘Grovel, Grovel’ is my favorite scene. The music in this scene is captivating! 

What are three things being in the musical have taught you? and how have you learned these?

Musical has taught me to always be persistent. No matter how stressful it can become during practice, everyone has to push forward to keep everything moving. It has also taught me to always be prepared for everything. When you walk into a rehearsal you don’t always know what scenes/songs that will be worked on. If you’re not ahead, you’re behind. Lastly, it has taught me that hard work and dedication is key to success. NCHS musicals would not be what they are without everyone’s cooperation, hard work, and dedication to the program. Hard work will always pay off somehow.

What are two pieces of advice you would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?

Anyone who is auditioning for an NCHS musical needs to know that “Everything is an audition” (I swear we hear this phrase from Mr. Finley at least once a week)! Attitude and work ethic play a huge role as to how everyone is cast. Always be confident in your abilities, but humble.

What qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities?

I see determination, creativity, and persistence exemplified in the adults who help put on the show. Each and every practice, the directors are always coming up with new ideas and visions for the scenes we are working through. The directors also continue to push us to always give our best. The costume ladies show a huge amount of determination and persistence through their hard work in making each costume.

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

I will miss the sense of a second family. The support everyone gives each other is so amazing to be apart of! I feel as if I will continue to miss this as the years go on. 

Opening Night for the NCHS musical will be March 26th at 7pm. Performances will also be held on March 27th at 7pm, March 28th at 7pm and March 29th at 2 pm.

Previously we highlighted

Bri Duncan

Dustin Kuhl

Lexi Marshall

Emily Dion

Jacelyn Street

McCrae Goodwin