NCHS: Mamma Mia: Senior Cast Member Heidi Lindemann

Heidi Lindemann, daughter of Rick and Amber Lindemann, will be an ensemble member and is the cast cheerleader in the NCHS Musical production of Mamma Mia on March 30 through April 2. Tickets for the musical are now on sale in the NCHS office.

What musicals have you been in at NCHS and what characters/roles did you play?

Last year’s production of Beauty and the Beast was my first time participating on the stage. I was a member of the ensemble.

What was your favorite musical and why?

My favorite musical was Cinderella. Though I didn’t participate in the cast, I was able to watch from the audience as my brother had his first opportunity to have a lead role.

What scene in Mama Mia is your favorite and why?

 My favorite scene in the momma Mia musical is “does your mother know”. While I personally do not participate in this scene, I love watching Melanie and  Garridan dance. The pair have an unmatched skill set that simply leaves you wishing for more.

What are three things being in the musical has taught you?

I have learned so many things over the last two years of participating in NCHS’s theatre program. I have learned to be confident in my skills on stage. I have learned that you should not be afraid to ask for help. Finally I have learned to push past mistakes, everyone makes them, and practice always makes perfect.

What are two pieces of advice you would give young people who want to start performing in musicals at NCHS?

Get involved right away! I wish I had participated all four years of my high school career. Don’t be too scared to audition! I was terrified, and cried, both times, but it only lasted a second and everyone was so supportive. 

What qualities do you see exemplified in the adults who help put on this show that you will take with you as you leave NCHS and how do they demonstrate these qualities? 

Hard work! From the directors to the set builders to the costumers, all we see each and every practice is hard work and dedication. Our directors are constantly thinking of ways to better our show, Whether it be through changing choreography or being sure we all have a smile on our face. Without our directors our shows would be average, through them, our cast can shows their greatness. 

What will you miss the most once the final curtain closes on your NCHS musical career?

Hands down, the people. I have made so many friends and had so much fun during my time in rehearsals and on stage. There is nothing like being part of our musical family.